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Open governance in amalgamation process of Estonian local governments

Duration January 2017 - November 2017


The project increased the awareness and capability of amalgamating municipalities to implement open governance principles during and after the current local administration reform in Estonia. To attain this goal, Open Government Partnership methodology was implemented in 2 selected test-areas where municipalities were in the amalgamation process and they were ready to prepare concrete action plans of open governance for the post-reform period.

The project EU50881  “Open Governance in amalgamation process of Estonian local governments” was funded by European Union Social Fund in the framework of activities “Local and regional development capacity” with 18 893,37 euros.

The e-Governance academy has assembled a list of 7 pointers to help communities and local governments better plan their new life together.

7 pointers to increase openness within local governments

The project included following activities:

1. Selection of test-areas.
2. Analyse of the current situation of open governance in test-areas.
3. Compilation of the recommendations how to increase the transpaency and opennes of their governnace including using e-solutions
4. Discussion and furthen elaboration of those recommendations in local worskhops within communities.
5. Submission of the set of guidelines (action plans) for local open governance based on previous mentioned activities in October 2017.
6. The Guidelines were shared with all local municipalities to disseminate the awareness and practices for more open governance culture.

Change management Digital engagement
Project manager
2 222 750€
Funded by
European Social Fund