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Roadmap for Digital Governance in Serbia

Duration August 2017 - August 2017

In the framework of the project, eGA developed the roadmap for the digital transformation of governance in Serbia. The roadmap contained an overview of the current baseline, broader description of priorities at the activity level, coupled with envisaged measurable results and overall impact.

The process of the roadmap development included preliminary research, and a 4-day fact-finding mission of experts to Serbia for baseline and roadmap development.

Development of the roadmap for digital governance in Serbia included following steps:
1. Preliminary research
2. 4-day fact-finding mission to Serbia for baseline and roadmap development, interviews with key interlocutors and presentations
3. Presentation of early findings of the fact-finding mission results and first recommendations to UNDP and national partners
4. Development of the final version of the Roadmap for digital transformation in governance. The roadmap will contain an overview of the current baseline, broader description of priorities at activity level, coupled with envisaged measurable results and overall impact
5. Submission of the Final version of the Roadmap to UNDP and OITEG.

Project manager
14 314€
Funded by
UNDP Serbia