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Services for Central Baltic Sea Region Expats

Duration January 2012 - December 2013

The project “Innovative Services for International Talents – Easier Access to the Central Baltic Sea Region (EXPAT)”  developed a common platform for providing innovative services to increase the interaction among the expats, locals and private and public service providers.

The project seeked to facilitate the improvement of services and networks available to the international talents and their families before their departure from their home country, upon their arrival in the region and during their stay.

EXPAT developed a common platform for the provision of innovative services (so-called “soft-landing and soft-departure services”) to increase interaction amongst expats, locals and private as well as public service providers. The project thus facilitated the exchange and use of innovative services that could promote social networking in the region. Furthermore, the project compiled policy recommendations for local, regional and national authorities and other stakeholders involved in the interaction with expats.

e-Governance Academy’s main task in the project was providing policy recommendations.

Estonia Finland Latvia Sweden
Project manager
Funded by
Central Baltic INTERREG IV A Programme 2007-2013