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Research and recommendations of digitally vulnerable groups in Ukraine

Within the project ‘DRIVE: Digital Research and Impact for Vulnerable E-citizens Project‘, experts from eGA, the 2030: Tech for Public Good (Ukraine) compiled a report on digital vulnerability to help public authorities and civil society organisations prevent the digital divide. 

Whether you are:

  • Working with and supporting digital literacy and skills
  • Engaging youth and/or elderly as your focus groups and stakeholders
  • Working on political decision-making and services development
  • Using digital solutions to engage with and serve more people
  • A donor looking for smart ideas and projects

learn about digital vulnerability as one of the problems many people are struggling with and what should be achieved to change that.

Digitally Vulnerable Groups (DVGs) are those whose digital engagement in political decision-making and e-services is hindered by their lack of awareness of digital issues, access to technological benefits, and/or digital literacy and skills. Irrespective of the causes (e.g. demographic, socioeconomic and/or health status, living conditions or social position, etc.), these barriers prevent the people from reaping the benefits of digital transformation and as such, have a negative impact on their rights, interests, and everyday life.

In the Country Report, we present the research activities aimed at surveying the causes of vulnerability in the experience of Ukrainian DVGs. First, a preliminary specification of DVGs is presented based on desk research. Secondly, findings from qualitative interviewing with a sample of the Ukrainian subject experts contribute to unravel how different factors interplay to deepen people’s vulnerability – in the face of increased technological uptake for learning and accessing e-services. Lastly, recommendations to relevant stakeholders are provided, as emerging from the subject experts’ input and the authors’ own analysis.

The Country Report is a joint work of several people: written by Federico Plantera, based on the interviews conducted by Kristina Mänd and Kristina Reinsalu from eGA. The research methodology was coordinated by Kristina Reinsalu, and the process and report were supported by Katrin Nyman-Metcalf from eGA. Yaroslav Kotlyarevskyy and Ruslana Rudnitska from 2030: Tech for Public Good  made their contribution to all mentioned phases of joint project. The editing was completed by Radu Serrano and the design by Serhii Buravchenko.

The authors of this Country Report are very grateful for the time, vast knowledge and effort that the interviewees gave to the process.  We would particularly like to express our appreciation to all Ukrainian interview participants due to their timely and accurate appointments, as well as for their highly professional and valuable expertise that contributed much to the project aims, especially in situations when enormous tension was accumulating.

Additionally, the Country Report of of digitally vulnerable groups in Georgia was compiled.

The DRIVE project aims for the vulnerable citizen groups in Ukraine and Georgia to have a changed quality of life by being digitally engaged in political decision-making (advanced policy development) and services, and to have necessary conditions, awareness and skills for that. The project is supported by a grant from Luminate.


Digital vulnerability
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