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Research: Legal regulations of biometric and biographical data in EU

The purpose of the research was to attain an overview of the legal regulations and best practices across Europe in the field of biometric and biographical data-based personal identification and identity verification. As a result of the study a number of recommendations and proposals for improving Estonia’s identity management practices have been provided. These recommendations will be used in Estonian Identity Policy planning and implementation. The research covered 11 European Union (EU) and Schengen Area member states.

The research was carried out in cooperation with the e-Governance Academy, Krabu Grupp LLC and De Sapientia Partners LLC by the request of the Ministry of the Interior of Estonia.

An English summary of the research can be found here:

The whole research in Estonian can be read here:

Biomeetriliste ja biograafiliste andmete õiguslikud regulatsioonid ELi riikides