Developing digital skills frameworks

Digital transformation requires thinking and working differently. Capacity building helps change mindsets and enhances knowledge and skills. A straightforward strategic approach to capacity building offers decision-makers guidelines and a framework for planning concrete actions to provide effective learning and development opportunities.

At eGA, our team possesses unique strategic knowledge and practical experience in driving digitalisation efforts, both in Estonia and worldwide. Partner with us for tailored capacity building solutions and support for enhancing digital skills.

What we provide

eGA’s support for the development of capacity building and digital skills policies and frameworks includes the following:

  • Consultancy for policy and framework development
  • Mapping roles and digital transformation teams
  • Facilitated seminars and validation workshops with stakeholder engagement
  • Creating guidelines for learning and development programmes
  • Proposing awareness-raising actions
  • Outlining training methodologies and offering training of trainers (ToT) programmes
  • Creating inclusive digital skills development plans for citizens and the public sector