Yearbook 2020/2021: A decade in one year
According to Hannes Astok, Executive Director of e-Governance Academy it was the best year in the eGA’s history. Watch the commentary to our activities by Hannes Astok and find out more on them in our Yearbook 2020/2021!
The dramatic changes that happened in 2020 are worth a whole digital decade. That is the inspiration behind the title of the Yearbook.

In this edition, Linnar Viik, the Director of Smart Government gives an exciting re-cap of how the COVID19 pandemic has influenced the innovation of governments, and sheds light on the next normality influenced by digital trends, set to shape transformative projects in the public sector in 2021.
The yearbook includes also overviews of eGA’s activities on assessing countries’ or sectors’ digital or cyber security maturity, implementing secure interoperability solutions, consulting on e-government architecture or e-democracy, and e-participation solutions compiled by programme directors Linnar Viik, Tõnis Mäe, Epp Maaten and Kristina Reinsalu. Moreover, Annela Kiirats, the director of e-governance trainings presents our e-courses as a useful option to continue e-government development remotely.
The year 2020 gave us two reasons to talk about the National Cyber Security Index (NCSI). First, by end of 2020, the NCSI measured the countries’ preparedness to prevent cyber incidents and fight cyber threats in 160 countries. And second, it has been recognised worldwide as a tool to improve national cyber security capacity and contribute to open, free and secure cyberspace by the Good Cyber Stories initiative. Radu Serrano, the project manager describes the barriers and lessons learnt from the management of the NCSI and shares some interesting facts that characterise the status quo of cyber space securityworldwide.
In addition to all of this, the Yearbook includes statistical data on eGA’s operations, broken down according to key economic parameters, and an overview of the organisation.

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