
Moldova Cybersecurity Rapid Assistance

05/2022 - 05/2024
€ 2.7 mln
Project manager
Funded by
European Union

The e-Governance Academy initiated the EU-backed Moldovan Cybersecurity Rapid Assistance Project in May 2022. Since then, Moldova’s cyberspace has experienced significant positive changes.

The project has increased the cyber resilience of public sector organisations and key critical infrastructure sectors. Within the project, eGA experts supported national competent authorities in aligning their operations with the EU NIS Directive.

In 2023, Moldova adopted the Cybersecurity Act with expert advice from eGA. This legislation has greatly improved the safety of Moldova’s digital environment and aligns with European Union standards. As a result, a dedicated cybersecurity agency has been established, enhancing the security and accessibility of internet services for all Moldovan citizens. This agency now plays a crucial role in implementing state cybersecurity policies and ensuring the high security of critical service providers’ networks and information systems. eGA has also helped supply the necessary equipment for cybersecurity to national authorities.

Additionally, numerous capacity-building activities have been conducted: over 115 events and workshops with more than 3,000 participants—half of whom were women. These activities included the regional Cybersecurity Symposium in November 2023, a cybersecurity boot camp for young people, and the Women in Cyber Forum, which aims to amplify the role of women in cybersecurity.

The project also launched a comprehensive cybersecurity awareness campaign, resulting in the creation of Siguranța Digitală, a website dedicated to sharing digital knowledge.

To further enhance cyber resilience and support cybersecurity incident and risk management, eGA experts:

  • Defined the responsibilities within a governance model for cybersecurity and established minimum cybersecurity baselines.
  • Improved cyber incident management and monitoring mechanisms.
  • Supported the development of the cybersecurity operations center and an information-sharing platform.
  • Developed technical skills of cybersecurity experts within governmental agencies and critical service providers.
  • Established communication channels and cooperation mechanisms between public and private agencies to ensure the operation and recovery of critical services and infrastructures.

These initiatives will strengthen the country’s defenses against digital threats and create a safer digital landscape.