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Tonga Enterprise Architecture for Developing ICT Infrastructure

Duration November 2020 - May 2022

This project is focused on the creation, maintenance and management of IT architecture models and lower level supporting components, including cloud computing, shared services and data strategies, interoperability and technology evaluation process.

Within the project eGA will develop and maintain Tonga Enterprise Architecture Framework (TEAF) and create specific business architecture models that reflect and comply with the government’s strategic goals of developing ICT infrastructure.

Moreover, eGA will analyse ways to reduce government costs and IT expenses and develop processes to evaluate public authorities and common government information systems.

The project is a part of implementing an e-Government Support Project in Tonga supported by the World Bank with multiple components for developing supporting ICT infrastructure, information systems, citizen e-services, and other frameworks needed to meet the goals of the Tonga Digital Government Strategy.

Capacity building Digital architecture Digital skills Interoperability Public service framework
Project manager
291 967€
Funded by
World Bank