About eGA

The e-Governance Academy (eGA) is a centre of excellence to increase the prosperity and openness of societies through digital transformation.

Driven by our mission, the experts at eGA have, since 2002, partnered with over 290 organisations in 143 countries to build successful digital societies that improve their citizens’ lives, strengthen their economies, and deliver transparent, democratic, and effective public administrations.

Particularly, the eGA team has collaborated with organisations across Eastern and Central Europe, Asia, Africa, and Central America, showcasing our diverse global footprint.


Explore eGA projects!


The core of our team consists of the architects and founders of the Estonian and Ukrainian e-states. As of 2024, the eGA has grown to over 100 dedicated team members.


Meet our team!


In addition to the offices in Estonia, Ukraine, and Serbia, eGA proudly operates a subsidiary in Jamaica, known as (eGA for the Caribbean Ltd (EGA4C)).

eGA services cover the main areas of digital transformation, providing valuable assistance for public sector and civil society organisations in every stage of their digital ventures.


Explore eGA services!


Strengthening cyber resilience has become crucial for the sustainable growth and security of many countries. Due to that, there is a need for a reliable tool to measure and build national cyber security capacity. The National Cyber Security Index (NCSI) is guiding countries to explore cyber defence capabilities and building reliable information societies. This index is also a dynamic database with publicly available evidence materials and a capacity-building tool.


Explore the NCSI!


Since 2015, eGA has organised and hosted its annual event – the e-Governance Conference. Each year, the conference brings together over 400 digital transformation leaders and practitioners from more than 50 countries.


 Explore the e-Governance Conference!


Ensuring the provision of high-quality service, eGA’s management system for its project management, study visits, and consulting services has been independently certified to ISO 9001:2015 standard. Additionally, having passed the European Commission’s pillar assessment, eGA is a trusted partner for implementing significant large-scale digital projects supported by the European Union.



eGA has successfully collaborated with donors such as the European Union, USAID, the World Bank, UNDP, SIDA, EBRD, ESTDEV, and many others. eGA also works together with ENISA, GFCE, and NATO to enhance countries’ cybersecurity.

eGA is a partner of the Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE), a member of the Estonian Information Security Association, a member of the Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications (ITL), an Advisory Observer of the Secure Identity Alliance (SIA), the global identity and secure e-services advisory body, a member of Estonian Roundtable for Development Cooperation and a member of the Estonian Network of Estonian Nonprofit Organisations.


We adhere to the Code of ethics of Estonian non-profit organisations and the Estonian Diversity Charter.

eGA’s statutory audit of Annual Accounts is performed by KPMG Baltic.

We have cooperated with more than 290 organisations in 143 countries and regions.


Increasing the prosperity and openness of societies 

eGA’s mission is to increase the prosperity and openness of societies through digital transformation. For this purpose, we analyse information, create knowledge about e-governance and digital transformation, and transfer Estonian and international best practices to governments and other stakeholders around the world.

Read more from the foundation articles of the e-Governance Academy.


The e-Governance Academy is a leading centre of excellence for the digital transformation of societies.


Read more from the Strategy of e-Governance Academy 2020-2025


  • Expertise. Our internationally recognised and highly experienced digital transformation experts and partners enjoy openly sharing their personal practical experience with others.
  • Independence. We act and advise independently of our political and economic stakeholders and technology partners.
  • Client focus. We listen carefully and learn about the specific situation of each country. We take a strategic approach and recommend tailor-made solutions that can be implemented in practice.
  • Impact. We strive to ensure that our activities have a long-term impact on the society. To achieve the best results, we have an unwavering focus on the quality of our work and meeting agreed deadlines.
  • Sustainability. We make sure our results are sustainable and work towards reducing the overall environmental footprint of our operations.
  • Respect. We respect human diversity and value the principle of equal treatment among our employees, partners, and stakeholders.
Corruption prevention

Independence is one of the main values of the e-Governance Academy Foundation (eGA). The management board of eGA is constantly working on implementing and monitoring different measures to prevent corruption in the organisation and arranges awareness-raising activities to prevent corruption risks that can arise from insufficient work arrangements or carelessness of employees or experts.

The following main measures are in place to prevent corruption:

  • Yearly declaration of economic interests by employees,
  • Employees have to inform the management board about any parallel job engagements,
  • Removal from decision-making upon conflict of interest;
  • Mandatory reporting of gifts with an estimated value of over 100 EUR, whereas these must be either declined or handed over to the general usage of eGA.

To raise awareness on corruption prevention, the management board organises at least yearly information or training events on the subject.

Upon noticing a situation involving the risk of corruption or potentially leading to it, please inform us using one of the following channels:

Based on the content of the message, it will be forwarded either to the risk manager, management board or supervisory board (whichever party the message does not involve). After reviewing and analysing the message, the risk manager, management board or supervisory board will notify the sender of the results. In case of an anonymous message, the eGA management board may decide to publish the results of the analysis on the eGA website.

Internships at eGA

eGA accepts a limited number of unpaid interns every year. The requirements are the following:

  • Internships typically last from 1 to 3 months
  • Preferable internship periods are between 15 January – 15 June and 15 September – 15 December;
  • Interns need to have or study for at least a Bachelor’s degree in a field relevant to e-governance or the specific objectives of the internship (e.g. public administration, law, IT, political science, etc.);
  • Interns need to be fluent in written and spoken English, and knowing additional languages is a plus;
  • eGA reserves the full right to select interns as it sees fit.

Internships are unpaid and eGA does not provide any assistance with accommodation, visa applications or any other administrative issues. Interns will be provided office space and access to internet. Working hours and exact tasks will be decided together with the intern and can vary according to the personal qualifications of the intern, ongoing projects and other matters.

Examples of tasks for interns include:

    • Data gathering, processing and analysis for the National Cyber Security Index;
    • Data gathering, processing and analysis for research projects for e.g. the EU, the World Bank or other donors, on e-governance related matters;
    • Research and preparation of background reports on the e-governance and general economic and political situation in selected countries;
    • Editing eGA reports, presentations and publications, including translations;
    • Administrative and drafting support to project applications;
    • Logistical assistance in connection with the eGA annual conference and/or with visiting delegations.


Applications for internships can be sent throughout the year but have to be submitted by 15 December for the spring period and 15 June for the autumn period.

The application should be written in English and include a CV and a letter of motivation, explaining the interest and previous experience of any matters related to e-governance.

Applications should be sent to info @ ega.ee and include the word “Internship” in the subject line.


eGA is not a contracting authority, however we apply the general principles and requirements of Estonian Public Procurement Act and regard the applicable case law on public procurement matters of the Estonian Public Procurement Committee, Estonian courts and the European Court of Justice in order to endeavour for transparency, efficient employment of competition and equal treatment of market players in our procurements. Our donors may foresee more stringent of more elaborate rules that we shall reflect in the terms of our procurements.

You are welcome to participate in our procurements!

You can find information about our completed and ongoing procurements here riigihanked.riik.ee

eGA procurements tutorial

General overview of Estonian Public Procurement Register

More specific video guide to tenderers

eGA Yearbook