Kristina Reinsalu: Citizens need concrete e-tools which enable them to engage and act
Kristina Reinsalu was one of the speakers of the 11th Annual Assembly of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) Civil Society Forum, where the discussion focused on what does ICT bring in terms of good governance to the region and what are the risks and the success factors.

Kristina Reinsalu shared its experiences and lessons learned on designing and implementing different e-democracy projects in EaP region and enriched the discussion sharing the findings and showcases of Estonian Cooperation projects implemented by eGA in EaP region like Situation Review on e-Democracy and Cyber Security in EaP region ; New e-Governance Initiatives to Meet OGP Commitments in Georgia; Advocacy capacity building of CSOs.

Speaking in the panel “EaP4EU: Digital Solutions for Good Governance” Kristina Reinsalu pointed out that there already many regulation and laws on civic participation in EaP countries, but the problem is that those do not refer to online environments and still regulate the offline world whereas citizens are already in online world those tools. “What citizens really need are concrete e-tools which enable them to engage and act like through Anticor Platform,” she emphasized.

Reinsalu introduced the ongoing project in Moldova Educate. Engage. Empower. Community Tools Against Corruption, which focuses on educating, engaging and empowering individual citizens and CSOs to act against corruption through the use of digital tools. The interactive web platform was developed which enables users to advance their knowledge on corruption from different perspectives and provides with the opportunity to report anonymously on corruption cases or corruption-risky situations.
The 11th Annual Assembly of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) took place in Brussels on 4-6 December 2019.