
Supporting Regional Entrepreneurship Through the Adoption of Innovative Technologies, Including AI, in Public Services

Germany | Spain
Germany | Spain
€ 800 000
Project manager
Funded by
European Commission, Directorate for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM)

The project aims to strengthen public service support systems for regional entrepreneurship ecosystems in Germany and Spain by integrating innovative technologies, including AI. By advancing digital transformation in public services, the goal is to create a foundation for the next generation of disruptive services for entrepreneurs.

Key outcomes include the development and approval of a Technology Adoption Roadmap to guide German and Spanish authorities in implementing innovative technologies for public services that support entrepreneurship. This will be achieved through comprehensive analysis, including a SWOT assessment, a review of innovative technologies, and a needs analysis for technology adoption, supported by service prototyping and roadmaps.

Another expected outcome is the enhanced capacity of German and Spanish authorities to utilise innovative technologies in public service delivery. This will be achieved through targeted training programmes, study visits, and customised online learning initiatives.

The project has six phases:

  1. Establishes the project’s objectives and scope, engages stakeholders, and evaluates existing services and technologies.
  2. Conducts SWOT analyses of beneficiary authorities to identify regulatory, data, and policy challenges, and uses these insights to prioritise technological advancements.
  3. Provides an in-depth review of suitable technologies and performs needs assessments to develop service prototypes and Technology Adoption Roadmaps.
  4. Focuses on peer learning and capacity building through study visits, enabling knowledge exchange on designing innovative public services and adopting best practices in digital transformation.
  5. Offers a customised online training platform to support ongoing capacity-building efforts beyond the project’s duration.
  6. Concludes with the development of a comprehensive project report and an in-person event to present achievements, discuss sustainability, and explore future cooperation.

Through this structured approach, the project aims to establish a sustainable framework for integrating innovative technologies into public services, ultimately enhancing regional entrepreneurship ecosystems in Germany and Spain.

The project is funded by the European Union via the Technical Support Instrument.