
The implementation of the NIS Directive in Turkey

Cyber Security
Cyber Security
02/2019 - 02/2020
75 000 € (sum allocated to eGA)
Project manager

eGA experts advised the government of Turkey on the development of cyber security within the project “Technical Assistance for Achieving the Harmony with EU regarding the Implementation of the NIS Directive”. The project contributed to alignment of Turkey’s regulatory framework and institutional capacity regarding network and information security with the EU NIS Directive 2016/1148.

The EU NIS Directive prescribes measures for a high common level of security of network and information systems across the EU.

The project’s main results are the preparation of gap analysis reportlegislative proposals and the capacity improvement of the staff of the Information and Communication Technologies Authority (ICTA) concerning implementation of the EU NIS Directive.

What did we do?

In the scope of preparation of gap analysis report and legislative proposals:

  • Analysis of Turkish national policy papers, regulations and practices on network and information security
  • Overview of practices towards national strategies related the EU NIS Directive and country benchmarks for determining OESs of 10 EU member states
  • Gap analysis between Turkish national legislation vs. the EU NIS Directive requirements
  • Detailed analysis of best practices on the EU NIS Directive requirements and OES identification approaches and country benchmarks of the most relevant EU states
  • Consolidation of findings and results and defining overall framework for legislative proposals

In the scope of improvement of ICTA’s relevant staff capacity concerning implementation of the EU NIS Directive and member state practices:

  • Workshop on cybersecurity, the EU NIS Directive & other topics
  • Workshop on methodological approaches & country benchmarks
  • Study visits

In the scope of improvement of the capacity of major stakeholders regarding implementation of the EU NIS Directive:

  • Two workshops on cybersecurity, the EU NIS Directive & other topics.