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Introducing Estonian ICT Solutions for Delegations from Developing Countries

Introducing Estonian ICT Solutions for Delegations from Developing Countries

Duration January 2021 - December 2021

The project “Introducing Estonian ICT solutions for delegations from developing countries” provided civil servants of developing countries with e-governance trainings.

Due to Covid-19 pandemic, provision of the administrative procedures of many countries was complicated. That has brought countries to understanding that implementation of the e-government and developing e-services for citizens is crucial.

Increasing digital capacity in public sector is one of the most influential method to help developing countries, incl. to overcome the crisis Covid-19 has created.

In order to increase the capacity to implement e-government, eGA provided civil servants from respective public authorities with e-governance training programmes in various formats (e-course, study visits to Estonia, expert missions to beneficiary countries), in first-hand with e-course  to assure that response to training needs is met, despite of travel restrictions.

Multiple countries
Capacity building
Project manager
100 000€
Funded by
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia