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Implementing digital ID and e-signature

Implementation of Digital Identity and Electronic Signature

Efficient digital identity (eID) and electronic signature systems can transform digital governance, ensuring secure online transactions, reducing administrative burdens, enhancing data integrity, and fostering trust between governments and citizens. These systems enable streamlined services, improved efficiency, and increased transparency, propelling countries towards a more inclusive and digitally empowered society.

The eGA team of accomplished professionals with vast experience in digital infrastructure and governance are pioneers in designing and deploying robust eID infrastructure. We have a proven track record of success in implementing secure and user-friendly digital signature solutions in Estonia and worldwide.

What we provide

eGA’s support for the implementation of digital identity and electronic signature includes the following:

  • Needs assessment
  • Strategy development
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • System design and architecture
  • Integration and interoperability
  • Implementation and deployment
  • Monitoring and evaluation

Interested in cooperation? Contact us!