
Georgia, by following the Estonian success, learns how to successfully promote e-governance


This week, 18 – 22 January we are proud to host a delegation from Georgia who is here to learn how e-Estonia has successfully created a good reputation of e-governance abroad as well as and raised awareness of e-services and Internet security within its population at home.

Mr. Hannes Astok, Director of Development and Strategy, said that “e-Estonia is widely recognized in the world and the use of e-services is part of Estonians everyday lives. We hope and believe that by sharing our best practices, Georgia will be taking steps towards developing an e-governance in Georgia.”

During these four days, we will be introducing how e-Estonia has been building and coordinating its reputation and good image, what is e-residency and what have been the biggest lessons learnt so far, best practices from the civil services (Information System Authority, Road Administration, Police and Boarder Guard Board, Health Insurance Fund, Centre of Registers and Information Systems) as well how Tallinn has managed to inform users and communicate with targeted groups. Also we introduce the “Vaata Maailma” (Look@World) activities regarding to how they have managed to inform people about their activities.

As a part of the training, brainstorming session with the Ambassador of Georgia and Digital Policy Adviser at the Government Office of Estonia, Siim Sikkut will be carried out in order to find solutions to the question how Georgia could amend the communication of e-services at home and abroad.

Moreover, we will also introduce how building e-services and measuring the quality of e-services has been coordinated.

The visit is part of the EU funded Twinning project which was brought to life with the aim of strengthening the institutional set up of the LEPL Data Exchange Agency (DEA) of the Ministry of Justice of Georgia and enhance the necessary skills and knowledge of the Agency’s staff on providing training, consultancy, benchmarking and promotion of e-government and information security in line with the European Union standards. The project is being implemented in cooperation with the Government Office of Estonia and the Italian ICT consortium CSI-Piemonte.