Keyword: Elections
Digitalization is rapidly transforming democratic processes. Ensuring digital security, as a consequence, has become paramount for safeguarding free and fair elections. Countries in the Western Balkans have recognized the critical role of cybersecurity in preserving the integrity of democratic systems, but at what cost? Repeated high-profile cyberattacks over the past year have underscored the urgency […]
The last time we started with a question âIs i-voting here to stay?â; this one around, we move on from a strong statement. One week ago, national elections were held in Estonia, and more than a few important records have been set. Among these, the highest ever overall turnout, and the highest ever amount of […]
TĂ€navu 17.oktoobril toimuvad kohalikud valimised, mille eel on kĂ”igil soovijatel juba 12. korda vĂ”imalus e-hÀÀletada. PĂŒhendame oma saate e-hÀÀletamisele ning e-riigi akadeemia eestvĂ”ttel loodud e-hÀÀletamise heale tavale. Saates rÀÀgivad e-hÀÀletuse hea tava ĂŒks vĂ€ljatöötajatest Liia HĂ€nni ja kauaaegne valimisteenistuse juht, pregune E-riigi Akadeemia vanemekspert Priit Vinkel e-hÀÀletamise protsessist ja tehtud uuendustest, valija- ja erakondade kĂ€itumisest, kordavad ĂŒle e-hÀÀletamise […]
Do you know how old is the concept of online voting? It comes back to the 19th century when Thomas Alva Edison introduced it to the US congress. Why then, even two centuries later, are there so few countries that use online voting to ensure equal access for their citizens to express their democratic rights? […]
In parallel with the long-anticipated and widely followed US Presidential election, 2020 was an important year also for many democracies in Europe. In the wake of the global Covid-19 pandemic, electoral management bodies across the world were pushed to re-examine the strategic planning and decision-making process that go into running an election. For many election […]
Recent elections in the US and in other countries raised a lot of claims that election results might be manipulated. Our CyberConf2020, to be held online on 24 November, dives deep into the topic of how to secure elections in the digital era. In this episode of Digital Government Podcast, Mr Toomas Hendrik Ilves, former […]
When it comes to political participation, elections represent something that most countries have in common, but that differentiates them between each other at the same time. All democratic nations set rounds of voting to renew peopleâs representatives in national assemblies; however, almost all nations vary in the ways elections are carried out. From registration to […]
Young people are the most reluctant social group to engage in voting. Research has clearly shown that across the past two decades, starting from seminal works on social capital and democratic participation, citing diverse explanations â from a decline in the perceived value of voting, to general disaffection towards institutions and party systems. In the […]