by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Laying the groundwork for The Gambia’s digital transformation

Our journey to bring to the spotlight country cases of digital transformation from Africa does not stop. One occasion was not enough – the all-African panel featuring changemakers from the continent at the latest e-Governance Conference. After taking a trip to Uganda, we now head to The Gambia, to see how the country laid the […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast & blog: Thinking about the past and future of digital transformation

The upcoming book by e-Governance Academy, “Twenty Years of Building Digital Societies”, brings into focus the role that digitalization played in Estonia, in the countries eGA has collaborated with – and what such expertise adds to the digital development strategies of countries worldwide. Vision, sustainability, people, security. We take the long view here, in a publication […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Limited internet access can’t stop e-service development

  The title of this blog & podcast may sound like a paradox, but there is much, much more to it. In this episode of the Digital Government Podcast, we return to the Asian islands – southeast in the continent – to address public service development in Timor-Leste. Piret Saartee, a Senior Expert on Smart […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Digital transformation in Brazil, and how Estonia can help

Based on essentially all wiki facts and general information, Brazil and Estonia could not be more different. Geographically, culturally, and socially. And still, as we luckily very often saw happen in the past years, these too have a joint meeting point – digital transformation. Interest in Estonia’s digital journey remains constant among policy and changemakers from the […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Mexico’s take on digital transformation

  Our interviews with Chief Information Officers continue, and after Siim Sikkut (former CIO of Estonia) and Barry Lowry (CIO of Ireland), we are excited to feature Yolanda Martinez on this podcast episode. Martinez held the national CIO and Digital Strategy Coordination posts in Mexico for a total of six years – five for the […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Tech beyond code with a digital sociologist

  Implementing new technology, both in the public and private sectors, is often regarded as a matter of developing products and services. In addition to code itself, design thinking has recently come to play an important role in identifying users’ needs and process challenges. But some argue that tech is not just a product – […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: What’s next for digital public services in Estonia?

The wait could not have been faster. Just one week to go to e-Governance Conference 2022, to discuss resilient and seamless governance with high-level government representatives, experts, and academics. So let us do the honours with an introduction, and a look forward, from Estonia. Luukas Ilves, freshly appointed Chief Information Officer of the Government of […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Lessons from effective digital leaders

  Siim Sikkut barely needs any introduction. 17 years in the civil service, of which five as Chief Information Officer of the Government of Estonia. Throughout this time, many of our readers and listeners have had the chance to meet him, or hear from his team about what a constant process of digital transformation looks like. […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog from Ukraine: Digital services keep working despite the war

  Perhaps one of the strongest displays of resistance is, also, to ensure that what should be working in normal times does so as well during exceptional circumstances. This is of course a euphemism, referring to what Ukraine is undergoing with Russian forces on its territory. In this episode of the Digital Government Podcast, we […]

by Federico Plantera
Perhaps, the AI revolution is not as loud as we thought

It seems almost physiological that the latest tech buzzwords, with time, undergo some sort of resizing. Technology advances, consulting firms and market actors take the leap envisioning how the latest development could change everything, and then we notice how such upheavals are slower to unfold than expected – or they even underachieve, compared to the […]

by ega
Podcast 🎧: AI to empower data-driven decision making in the public sector

AI is one of the technologies that influences the public sector service provision and also our expectations towards it. In today’s episode, we invite you to explore how are governments approaching the use of artificial intelligence in public service provision. Consider Estonia, as a case study – and let Ott Velsberg, Chief Data Officer of the […]

by ega
Podcast 🎧: Which trends should governments follow in their digital transformation plans

  Today we invite you to follow the government CIO’s special edition! Two former leaders of digital transformation, Siim Sikkut from Estonia and Randall Brugeaud from Australia, cast light on the trends that governments should follow in their digital transformation plans to benefit from pandemic lessons learned. In the episode, our guests share their views […]

by ega
Podcast 🎧: The ethical challenges of fully automated public services

  Based on what trends we have witnessed in advanced digital societies –  the next level of public services will be fully automated services that are based on AI and Machine Learning. In this episode, a distinguished legal expert on digital governance topics Katrin Nyman-Metcalf covers another side of the coin – essential and ethical dilemmas behind […]

by Federico Plantera
Priit Vinkel: Internet voting is a very sticky method of participating in elections

    More and more Estonian residents have decided to participate in the recent local elections in October 2021 simply using internet and their own digital ID. To be precise, more than ever. From the comfort of home, the office, or even a holiday destination. Priit Vinkel, Senior Expert of Smart Governance at e-Governance Academy, […]

by ega
Podcast 🎧: Is digital only the next normality for governments?

  Today we invite you to listen to the episode on the next normal of digital transformation featured by futurist Thrond Arne Undheim and the former Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves. Follow their discussion on what have the governments learned from 2020 and what they have refused to learn. Moreover, the guest will talk about the trends that […]

by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
Podcast 🎧: Pros and cons of using biometric data

  While we approach the international identity day on September 16, we are addressing the topic that concerns our identity and its use, online or offline. In today’s episode of Digital Government Podcast, we explore with Kaija Kirch, Head of Digital Identity Technologies at Cybernetica AS, the pros and cons of using biometric data in identification and providing access […]

by Adhele Tuulas
Podcast 🎧 : Digital transformation trends for governments entering the next normal

  This year’s e-Governance Conference – A Digital Decade in One Year – looks at the implications of the accelerated digital transformation resulting from the pandemic. The programme creates space to explore the new normal in which we find ourselves today, and the next normal that we are entering. In the build-up to the Conference, […]

by Adhele Tuulas
Podcast 🎧 : What is an e-government without interoperability?

  This year’s e-Governance Conference – A Digital Decade in One Year – looks at the implications of the accelerated digital transformation resulting from the pandemic. The programme creates space to explore the new normal in which we find ourselves today, and the next normal that we are entering. In the build-up to the Conference, […]

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