by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Latest trends in digital participation and civic engagement

The newly formed Competence Centre of e-Governance Academy on Governance and Engagement already has a track record of matching active citizenship with institutional dialogue, bringing citizens and administrations closer together. But let’s zoom out for a moment. We have worked on improving the relationship between public service providers and users in Georgia, Ukraine, and many […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Two decades of lessons in digital engagement and new horizons

  Digital development has gone fast in the past two decades. Largely on its own momentum, as tools and their applications come to impact both more deeply and extensively different spheres of life. Also, due to unprecedented events and circumstances – see, the pandemic – that sped up digital adoption. The more and more topical […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧& blog: Will people make policy digitally?

  The seamlessness of the governance is one of the focuses of the e-Governance Conference this year. We welcome you to investigate the seamless options of citizen engagement in policy design and participatory practices. Giovanni Allegretti, senior researcher and coordinator of the PhD “Democracy in the 21st century” at the University of Coimbra (Portugal), has […]

by ega
Podcast 🎧 : To be an e-citizen or not to be

  Can a digital society exist sustainably without e-citizens? Who are the e-citizens – the user the e-services or something more? This is a topic we will discuss today with e-democracy expert Kristina Reinsalu. In this episode, she introduces us to the e-citizen concept and to the digital nudging in society that supports the citizens’ […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 and blog: Digital leadership is a key asset in times of crisis

  Of the many things that have been put to test by the COVID-19 pandemic, politicians and decision makers’ ability to face an unprecedented crisis situation is arguably among the most salient. Effective leadership took shape not only through the actual preventive and limiting measures pursued, but also the ways these have been communicated. The […]

by Federico Plantera
Priit Vinkel: Internet voting is a very sticky method of participating in elections

    More and more Estonian residents have decided to participate in the recent local elections in October 2021 simply using internet and their own digital ID. To be precise, more than ever. From the comfort of home, the office, or even a holiday destination. Priit Vinkel, Senior Expert of Smart Governance at e-Governance Academy, […]

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