by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Data and services run fast in digital Ukraine

  Ukraine’s journey towards digital transformation has been marked by significant achievements, notably through the development and implementation of Trembita, the nation’s data exchange layer, and the Diia app. These tools have revolutionised the way citizens interact with government services, making them more efficient, transparent, and accessible. Zooming out, though, the context and circumstances within […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: In a digital marriage – love, law, and a new e-service in Ukraine

Times of digital love, those we live in – as Daft Punk stated too. Practically, the entire supply chain of romance has somehow been impacted by societal digital transformation. Instant messaging, dating apps. So why not take online as well all the boring bureaucratic steps that would lead to the “yes, I do”. A podcast […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast & blog: Ukraine’s digital signatures are now valid in the EU

Despite the war, despite the devastation. We saw it last year already, through the eyes and voices of e-Governance Academy’s team in Ukraine – digital transformation never stopped in the country. If anything, it picked up pace. In fact, in many ways, digital tools helped Ukrainians work and access public services despite the ongoing Russian […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: All the lessons from cyber warfare in Ukraine

  We are well over one year into Russia’s ongoing threat to Ukrainian state sovereignty. And from terrain to the digital sphere, it is now clearer than ever before that the aggression has been total. If, in the beginning, the war seemed to take on a more traditional, kinetic shape, cyberattacks have intensified with the […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Let’s sum up the year 2022!

  Another year has passed. Another year in which e-Governance Academy has been involved in digital transformation projects worldwide. Most might have expected calmer waters after exiting the emergency situation of the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead, with 2022 came a number of events that saw our experts at the centre of the international scene. Executive Director […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog from Ukraine: Digital services keep working despite the war

  Perhaps one of the strongest displays of resistance is, also, to ensure that what should be working in normal times does so as well during exceptional circumstances. This is of course a euphemism, referring to what Ukraine is undergoing with Russian forces on its territory. In this episode of the Digital Government Podcast, we […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Is cyberwarfare part of Russia’s plans in Ukraine?

  Something might have caught many observers by surprise in Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine. After a solid history of cyberthreats that could be linked back to the Federation’s territory, cyberwarfare seems to not be playing a major role in the attackers’ plans this time. As it did instead in 2007, during the first cyberwar […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Ukraine is under attack, and our team stayed there

  This week, the world looks quite different from what it used to. Yet again we’re here to say this, and see the dramatic consequences of what unfolds, for the second time in the span of two years. Yet again, as spring approaches, we’re here to talk about a tragedy taking shape just before our […]

by Adhele Tuulas
How to strengthen national cyber capacity shields?

Cyber threats have been on the rise for years. Data is currency – especially in the cyber underworld – and locking critical systems for ransom can lead to enticing paydays for cyber criminals. The first half of 2021 already saw a number of significant cyberattacks against major actors, including Colonial Pipeline, Microsoft Exchange, and Bombardier. […]

by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
Podcast 🎧: Cyber exercises – the best way to train your cyber muscles

  Cyber attacks are becoming a natural part of our digital life. Hence it is wise to know how to defend your data and infrastructure to avoid losses. In today’s episode of the Digital Government Podcast, we invite you to explore how governments and organisations can be better prepared for cyber attacks. Two distinguished cyber […]

by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
Podcast 🎧: Four years that laid the groundwork for the Ukrainian digital transformation

  For more than four years, the e-Governance Academy’s team has assisted digital transformation in Ukraine by creating the conditions for digital services’ provision. In this episode, our Ukrainian Team Leader, Mari Pedak and Executive Director Hannes Astok cast light on the technical developments within the EGOV4Ukraine project, the organisational developments in the Ukrainian government, and […]

by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
Podcast 🎧 : Lessons learnt from the digital transformation journeys of various countries

At the beginning of the year, we summed up our lessons learnt from the digital transformation journeys of various countries. Our team has been on these journeys for the past 18 years and obtained useful lessons that could benefit every country that starts or continues its digital transformation. In this episode, Federico Plantera and Hannes […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 and blog: Ukraine’s digital transformation: successes & setbacks

In the last few years, the Government of Ukraine has endeavoured incessantly to detach itself from paper-based procedures, to enable and provide e-services, and to reduce corruption with the help of IT-solutions and of the secure data exchange platform ‘Trembita’. How has Ukraine managed so far? What to highlight in terms of successes and setbacks […]

by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
Coronavirus emphasises the necessity of e-services

Digital transformation experts of the Estonian-based consultancy organisation e-Governance Academy have encouraged countries to facilitate e-governance and public e-services for more than 17 years. To date, the main arguments to develop public e-services were the hassle-free, transparent and more efficient governance to save time and money. The current Corona pandemic added one more argument: e-governance […]

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