by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Setting the digital agenda in Western Balkan countries

  In the Western Balkans, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and governments are on a quest to increase civic engagement in the digital agenda. Take all the initials of this task, ICEDA, and you have the ongoing project that e-Governance Academy is currently involved in within the region. Recently, stakeholders took the chance to visit Tallinn […]

by ega
Podcast 🎧 : To be an e-citizen or not to be

  Can a digital society exist sustainably without e-citizens? Who are the e-citizens – the user the e-services or something more? This is a topic we will discuss today with e-democracy expert Kristina Reinsalu. In this episode, she introduces us to the e-citizen concept and to the digital nudging in society that supports the citizens’ […]

by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
Podcast 🎧: The role of civil society organisations in a digital society

  In this episode of Digital Government Podcast, Urmo Kübar, the former advisor to the Estonian President and the Executive Director of Praxis, talks about the role of civil society organizations in a digital society and explains how can they benefit from digital tools for building a more seamless society.  Being involved in the Estonian […]

by Adhele Tuulas
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Digital tools in the global battle against corruption

“Corruption as a disease, for which transparency is the cure” is a politically popular analogy, that surely resonates when trying to capture such widespread, global challenge all countries continue to face today. But researchers contend that the actual manifestations of corruption are far too complex to fit into the simple frames built by this parallel. […]

by ega
Podcast 🎧: Examining benefits of Participatory Budgeting

In a democratic society, the quality of the relationship between governments and citizens is a key talking point – and if not, most probably it should. Across the layers of governance, municipalities certainly represent the closest governmental actor to citizens. Such proximity not only works as the testing ground for state-to-people interactions but also as […]

by Federico Plantera
Participatory Budgeting – a powerful tool to improve engagement and policy design

| Activities are responsive to the following SDGs of the United Nations: 11 – 16 – 17 | In a democratic society, the quality of the relationship between governments and citizens is a key talking point – and if not, most probably it should. Across the layers of governance, municipalities certainly represent the closest governmental […]

by Federico Plantera
Citizens and governments as partners for a vibrant democracy

  | Activities are responsive to the following SDGs of the United Nations: 11 – 16 – 17 |   “No man is an island”, as English poet John Donne famously wrote. The ties people establish within a community tell us how healthy democratic life is. Be it in a municipality, a region, or a […]

by Kristina Reinsalu
Kaasava eelarve ja VOLIS õppetunnid Gruusiast

Möödunud kahe aasta vältel kohandasid eGA e-demokraatia eksperdid Eesti omavalitsustes kasutusel oleva infosüsteemi VOLIS Gruusia oludele vastavaks ja kasutas seda Kutaisi ning Akhalstikhe linnas kaasava eelarve pilootide läbiviimiseks. Kolm linna – lisaks mainitutele ka Batumi – said omale uued kasutajasõbralikud veebilehed. Lisaks nõustasid nad Gruusia töö-ja tervishoiu ning rahandusministeeriumi uute kaasamislahenduste kavandamisel. Peamised õppetunnid avalikkusele […]

by Kristina Reinsalu
Võidab see, kes kõvemini karjub. Või saab ka teisiti?

Mitukümmend tuhat eurot maksnud park hävitatakse, asemele tuleb suurpoe parkla. Väikelinnas käärib. On neid, kes arvavad, et uue suurpoe tulek on hädavajalik investeering väikelinna, ja neid, kes hingepõhjani nördinud, et selleks plaanitakse hävitada park. Kohalikud kodanikuaktivistid kasutavad võitluseks meetodeid, mida ise erakondade puhul tauniks. Linnavalitsust süüdistatakse põhjakorealikus juhtimises. Ükski selline lugu pole must-valge. Kui kohalikke […]

by ega
Soovitusi e-riigi arendamiseks Riigikogu e-riigi toetusrühmale

E-riigi Akadeemia e-riigi arendamise ettepanekud Riigikogu e-Eesti toetusrühmale.

by Liia Hänni
Kas haldusreform tugevdab kogukondi?

Kaua kõneks olnud kohaliku halduse reformi üheks komistuskiviks on hirm, et võim kaugeneb inimestest veelgi. Seepärast on oluline selgeks rääkida, mis põhimõtetel hakkab kohalik võim tegutsema haldusreformi toimudes. Pakun 7 lubadust, millega sidudes saaks kohalik võim hirmu leevendada ja avatust suurendada.

by Liia Hänni
Haldusreform tugevdab kogukondi

Esitatud väide võib tunduda enam kui küsitav, sest kaua kõneks olnud kohaliku halduse reformi üheks komistuskiviks on hirm, et võim kaugeneb inimestest veelgi. Seepärast on oluline selgeks rääkida, mis põhimõtetel peaks kohalik võim tegutsema haldusreformi toimudes.

by Liia Hänni
Kui avatud Riigikogu me vajame?

Riigikogus menetluses oleval kodu- ja töökorra eelnõul on tulevikku suunatud tagajärjed, pannes päitsed pähe kõigile tulevastele Riigikogu koosseisudele ning on sammuks suletuma valitsemise poole.

by Kristina Reinsalu
Kes kasvatab e-kodanikke?

Uue kooliaasta hakul võiks teiste õppimist ja õpetamist puudutavate teemade seas küsida, kuidas ja kus kasvatada e-kodanikke? Et me oskaks ka ise oma e-riigi eeliseid täiel rinnal nautida, mitte ainult ei reklaamiks neid e-residentidele.

  • Albania (1)
  • Anticorruption (1)
  • Armenia (1)
  • Artificial Intelligence (8)
  • Avatud valitsemine/open governance (14)
  • Benin (2)
  • Biometricy (1)
  • Civil society organisation (3)
  • Corruption (1)
  • Cyber law (1)
  • Cyber resilience (12)
  • Cybersecurity (6)
  • Data exchange (15)
  • Data quality (2)
  • DESI (2)
  • Design (4)
  • Digital government roadmaps (3)
  • Digital healthcare (6)
  • Digital leadership (2)
  • Digital maturity assessment (2)
  • Digital responsibility (13)
  • Digital rights (4)
  • Digital signature (2)
  • Digital skills (16)
  • Digital technology (29)
  • Digital transformation (69)
  • Digital vaccine certificate (1)
  • Digital vulnerability (5)
  • Djibouti (1)
  • E-census (1)
  • E-courses (2)
  • e-Governance (43)
  • e-Governance Conference (24)
  • e-government (29)
  • e-hääletus (5)
  • e-riik (10)
  • e-Services (39)
  • eIDAS (2)
  • Elections (8)
  • Electronic ID (7)
  • Engagement (1)
  • Estonia (29)
  • Estonia/Eesti (21)
  • Finland (1)
  • Green transition (1)
  • I-voting (9)
  • ICT in Education/e-kool (6)
  • ICT infrastructure (2)
  • ID-kaart (1)
  • Infoühiskond/ Information society (5)
  • Innovation (10)
  • Internet freedom (2)
  • Interoperability (13)
  • Ireland (1)
  • Küberturvalisus/Cybersecurity (30)
  • Kyrgyzstan (2)
  • Latin America (1)
  • Moldova (3)
  • Mongolia (1)
  • Montenegro (1)
  • NCSI (2)
  • NIS Directive (1)
  • North Macedonia (1)
  • Online participation (6)
  • Participation (7)
  • Participatory budgeting/Kaasav eelarve (5)
  • Podcast (128)
  • Privacy (5)
  • Public-private-partnership (1)
  • Sweden (1)
  • Tech buzzwords (1)
  • The Gambia (1)
  • The United States of America (2)
  • Tonga (1)
  • Transparency International (1)
  • Tunduk (1)
  • Ukraine (14)
  • Voting (8)
  • Western Balkan (6)
  • Authors