by ega
Podcast 🎧 & Blog: Digital skills for full-fledged digital society

Digital skills are essential for the development of a full-fledged digital society. We can – and should – expect both companies and governments to develop their services in the most user-friendly way, to actually serve customers and citizens. But how to empower people further, and give them the tools to navigate effectively the information age? […]

by ega
Podcast 🎧 : What will post-pandemic schools look like?

  In this episode, IT-visionary Linnar Viik talks about the post-pandemic trends of teaching and learning at schools, and shares with us the findings from the survey he conducted among teachers and parents in Estonia. Listen to the discussion and find out how did the schools in various countries react to the lockdowns and how […]

by Adhele Tuulas
Podcast 🎧 : Digital transformation trends for governments entering the next normal

  This year’s e-Governance Conference – A Digital Decade in One Year – looks at the implications of the accelerated digital transformation resulting from the pandemic. The programme creates space to explore the new normal in which we find ourselves today, and the next normal that we are entering. In the build-up to the Conference, […]

by Federico Plantera
DESI 2020 – Europe’s digital society advances, but at very different speeds

Since 2014, the yearly appointment with the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) of the European Commission is a perfect opportunity to assess the state of affairs on digitalization in all Member States. The 2020 issue of the Index, despite relying on data previous to the pandemic outbreak, gives us the possibility to evaluate countries’ […]

by Kristina Reinsalu
Tiiger kooli!

Kuidas muuta Eesti kool vastavamaks infoühiskonna vajadustele ja ootustele?

by Kristina Reinsalu
Kes kasvatab e-kodanikke?

Uue kooliaasta hakul võiks teiste õppimist ja õpetamist puudutavate teemade seas küsida, kuidas ja kus kasvatada e-kodanikke? Et me oskaks ka ise oma e-riigi eeliseid täiel rinnal nautida, mitte ainult ei reklaamiks neid e-residentidele.

  • Albania (1)
  • Anticorruption (1)
  • Armenia (1)
  • Artificial Intelligence (8)
  • Avatud valitsemine/open governance (14)
  • Benin (2)
  • Biometricy (1)
  • Civil society organisation (3)
  • Corruption (1)
  • Cyber law (1)
  • Cyber resilience (12)
  • Cybersecurity (6)
  • Data exchange (15)
  • Data quality (2)
  • DESI (2)
  • Design (4)
  • Digital government roadmaps (3)
  • Digital healthcare (6)
  • Digital leadership (2)
  • Digital maturity assessment (2)
  • Digital responsibility (13)
  • Digital rights (4)
  • Digital signature (2)
  • Digital skills (16)
  • Digital technology (29)
  • Digital transformation (69)
  • Digital vaccine certificate (1)
  • Digital vulnerability (5)
  • Djibouti (1)
  • E-census (1)
  • E-courses (2)
  • e-Governance (43)
  • e-Governance Conference (24)
  • e-government (29)
  • e-hääletus (5)
  • e-riik (10)
  • e-Services (39)
  • eIDAS (2)
  • Elections (8)
  • Electronic ID (7)
  • Engagement (1)
  • Estonia (29)
  • Estonia/Eesti (21)
  • Finland (1)
  • Green transition (1)
  • I-voting (9)
  • ICT in Education/e-kool (6)
  • ICT infrastructure (2)
  • ID-kaart (1)
  • Infoühiskond/ Information society (5)
  • Innovation (10)
  • Internet freedom (2)
  • Interoperability (13)
  • Ireland (1)
  • Küberturvalisus/Cybersecurity (30)
  • Kyrgyzstan (2)
  • Latin America (1)
  • Moldova (3)
  • Mongolia (1)
  • Montenegro (1)
  • NCSI (2)
  • NIS Directive (1)
  • North Macedonia (1)
  • Online participation (6)
  • Participation (7)
  • Participatory budgeting/Kaasav eelarve (5)
  • Podcast (128)
  • Privacy (5)
  • Public-private-partnership (1)
  • Sweden (1)
  • Tech buzzwords (1)
  • The Gambia (1)
  • The United States of America (2)
  • Tonga (1)
  • Transparency International (1)
  • Tunduk (1)
  • Ukraine (14)
  • Voting (8)
  • Western Balkan (6)
  • Authors