by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Data exchange makes things happen in Kyrgyzstan

Digital transformation of government in Central Asia, in this podcast episode, has the face of Kyrgyzstan. Almost a decade since the inception of the country’s first plans, public services are now available online for citizens, and data exchange is happening between government agencies. Something Tõnis Mäe, Senior Expert of the Digital Architecture Competence Centre of […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: 20 years of change in managing digital transformation

How long are two decades, when it comes to digital government? Well, very long – and with a lot of things happening. At least that is what it feels like, as the rapid pace of technological development presents governments with new opportunities, sure. But also, with challenges and risks, new elements to consider in strategy […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Data quality as the basis of informed decision-making

Whether in population management, or more specific business processes and use cases, we can’t stress enough the significance of digital data quality. Because tidy registries equate to informed decision-making, and the possibility to build powerful tools and solutions on top of them. In this episode of the Digital Government Podcast, we expand on how ensuring […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Digitalisation in Latin America means solutions to fit diverse needs

The past decade has seen digitalisation efforts in Latin America and the Caribbean area ramp up rapidly. Development has been fast, but not homogenous. Differing approaches across countries have created a map of digitalisation, that sees governments in the region excel at different things. So, what’s the way forward, in such a rapidly moving landscape? […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Cyber defence in the time of war

Crucial distinctions exist between cybersecurity and cyber defence – even more so, at times when war and conflicts seem ever-present in news headlines from all around the globe. It is only fair, then, that governments look into enhancing their cyber defence capabilities and adapt plans and policy agendas to fit a constantly changing threat landscape. […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: In a digital marriage – love, law, and a new e-service in Ukraine

Times of digital love, those we live in – as Daft Punk stated too. Practically, the entire supply chain of romance has somehow been impacted by societal digital transformation. Instant messaging, dating apps. So why not take online as well all the boring bureaucratic steps that would lead to the “yes, I do”. A podcast […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Tailoring cybersecurity trainings to threats, needs, and skills

October is cybersecurity month. Not that in the rest of the year we are not supposed to place the same attention to safeguarding our digital spaces – that needs to be constant, ever-present. But moments like this do help us highlight, and stress once more, the importance of cybersecurity as a cross-cutting component of digital […]

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by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Empowering CSOs in the Western Balkans for digital transformation

Civil society organizations (CSOs) are assuming growingly critical roles in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. These organizations act as intermediaries between citizens and governments, advocating for inclusive digital policies and services that cater to the needs of all. In the Western Balkans, the ICEDA (Increasing Civic Engagement in the Digital Agenda) project aimed to foster and […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Latest trends in digital participation and civic engagement

The newly formed Competence Centre of e-Governance Academy on Governance and Engagement already has a track record of matching active citizenship with institutional dialogue, bringing citizens and administrations closer together. But let’s zoom out for a moment. We have worked on improving the relationship between public service providers and users in Georgia, Ukraine, and many […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Innovation in healthcare provision

  E-governance practitioners well know that the implementation of digital tools is essential, to enhance the provision and reach of public services. This applies across domains, from the most specific in user base to the more generalist ones. But innovation gains even further relevance when services matter to the entire population at large when it […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast & blog: Safeguarding Digital Systems in the Western Balkans

Digitalization is rapidly transforming democratic processes. Ensuring digital security, as a consequence, has become paramount for safeguarding free and fair elections. Countries in the Western Balkans have recognized the critical role of cybersecurity in preserving the integrity of democratic systems, but at what cost? Repeated high-profile cyberattacks over the past year have underscored the urgency […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast & blog: Ukraine’s digital signatures are now valid in the EU

Despite the war, despite the devastation. We saw it last year already, through the eyes and voices of e-Governance Academy’s team in Ukraine – digital transformation never stopped in the country. If anything, it picked up pace. In fact, in many ways, digital tools helped Ukrainians work and access public services despite the ongoing Russian […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Laying the groundwork for The Gambia’s digital transformation

Our journey to bring to the spotlight country cases of digital transformation from Africa does not stop. One occasion was not enough – the all-African panel featuring changemakers from the continent at the latest e-Governance Conference. After taking a trip to Uganda, we now head to The Gambia, to see how the country laid the […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Uganda’s digital transformation

  The all-African panel that took place at the e-Governance Conference 2023 brought into the spotlight country cases of digital transformation from the continent. An enlightening sessions, where everyone attending – both online and offline – got a unique chance to hear, at a glance, the most salient developments in digital taking place in Uganda […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Cyber diplomats from all around the globe will soon gather in Tallinn

  The Tallinn Summer School of Cyber Diplomacy returns for its fourth edition, keeping up the pace with global developments in diplomacy and cybersecurity. But it’s not just about the mainstreaming of cyber diplomacy as a foreign policy topic, following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In both war and peace times, it has become evident how […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast & blog: Thinking about the past and future of digital transformation

The upcoming book by e-Governance Academy, “Twenty Years of Building Digital Societies”, brings into focus the role that digitalization played in Estonia, in the countries eGA has collaborated with – and what such expertise adds to the digital development strategies of countries worldwide. Vision, sustainability, people, security. We take the long view here, in a publication […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast & blog: The collaborative road to innovation, in Africa

For the first time, the 2023 e-Governance Conference is set to feature an all-African panel showcasing case studies from the continent. Exactly: both moderator and speakers will present examples of inter-sector cooperation from Namibia, Uganda, and the West African region. Collaborative partnerships for digital policy implementation are core to their experience, and there we stand […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Data policy in the era of artificial intelligence

The ongoing conversation and development around artificial intelligence are bringing data policy back into the spotlight, as we will explore in a dedicated session at the e-Governance Conference 2023. Perhaps it’s also a signal, an indicator of how much work and care is needed before AI starts convincingly scaling to the public sector. Because while […]

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