by Adhele Tuulas
Podcast 🎧 & blog: How to boost your country’s digital transformation remotely

In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, countries undertook years’ worth of digital transformation in a matter of weeks. The public sector – traditionally viewed as the slower player in the digital game– accelerated its innovation efforts to keep countries in function while decreasing risks to public health. It was only natural that governments would […]

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by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 and blog: What should governments do to secure their national cyber space?

Much as in the fight against Covid-19, prevention proves to be a key determinant of our safety on the internet. However, deliberate threats to both citizens and organisations still hide just around the corner. Despite our individual care and attention towards cyber behaviours, malicious actors might intentionally try to hijack personal data or information systems. […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 and blog: Assessing digital maturity for effective e-government roadmaps

Where do we come from? Where do we stand? And where to go from here? Though the feeling might be that of a high-school psychology blog, there is no existentialism in these questions – at least in the current case. In order to formulate with efficacy digital transformation roadmaps for governments, policy makers must first […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 and blog: Legal obstacles to e-government (that don’t exist)

To many, the road to e-governance may seem rocky. Not only during some client meetings, but also in seminars and just conversations in general, an age-old question is often brought up: “Digitalization, okay, great. But there are too many legal obstacles to implement it in our country.” Today, we get this one off the board […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 and blog: Ukraine’s digital transformation: successes & setbacks

In the last few years, the Government of Ukraine has endeavoured incessantly to detach itself from paper-based procedures, to enable and provide e-services, and to reduce corruption with the help of IT-solutions and of the secure data exchange platform ‘Trembita’. How has Ukraine managed so far? What to highlight in terms of successes and setbacks […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: The world’s best driver of digital transformation

In today’s episode, Hannes Astok and Linnar Viik shed light on the world’s best driver of digital transformation – the COVID-19 pandemic. They talk about the main obstacles in the way of a defining moment for digital transformation in many countries. We know that paper-based public services are practically useless when whole countries are shut […]

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