by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
Coronavirus emphasises the necessity of e-services

Digital transformation experts of the Estonian-based consultancy organisation e-Governance Academy have encouraged countries to facilitate e-governance and public e-services for more than 17 years. To date, the main arguments to develop public e-services were the hassle-free, transparent and more efficient governance to save time and money. The current Corona pandemic added one more argument: e-governance […]

by Linnar Viik
Tips to lead digital transformation in Africa

The report, published in January 2019 and made by e-Governance Academy’s expert team provides an analysis of the potential for e-governance in Africa, presents an evaluation and a ranking of countries based on the most recent data about the present level of the e-governance critical components. Moreover, the report suggests the next steps to move […]

by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
New tools for combating corruption in Armenia

e-Governance has made a leap forward in Armenia thanks to the two years’ work of the e-Governance Academy and 1.5 million euros contributed by the European Union. This has resulted in the Armenian government acquiring new electronic tools for combating corruption and communicating with the general public.

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