by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: A year worth one decade. Digital trends to watch out for in 2021

This blog post refers to the podcast “Digital trends to watch out for in 2021” with Linnar Viik and Federico Plantera. Listen to the first episode of Digital Government podcast in 2021! Taking stock of more than twenty years of digital transformation, in the public sector and beyond, industry experts were making predictions on up-and-coming […]

by Merle Maigre
Podcast 🎧 and blog: What is cyber hygiene?

At times of COVID-19, cyber hygiene became particularly important. Being more cyber aware and practising healthy cyber hygiene is what will ultimately help you keep your business or administration continuity when you need it. In this blogpost and podcast, our senior cybersecurity expert Merle Maigre shares best practices of cyber hygiene from France, Estonia, the UK  that is […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 and blog: NCSI – How prepared is your country for a cyber attack?

  | The project is responsive to the following SDGs of the United Nations: 17 |   It is probably since the discovery of fire that we learnt a crucial lesson – technology brings benefits, but also risks. Far be it from us to carry out an exegesis of all human explorations and inventions, it […]

by Paul Timmers
When Sovereignty Leads and Cyber Law Follows

The sovereignty debate in the EU can inspire the revision of the EU NIS Directive and even provide insight into future changes to the EU Treaties. The Network and Information Security Directive (NIS Directive) is one of the most important pieces of cyber legislation in the EU. Only four years after its entry into force, […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 and blog: Risks and opportunities in voting on the internet

When it comes to political participation, elections represent something that most countries have in common, but that differentiates them between each other at the same time. All democratic nations set rounds of voting to renew people’s representatives in national assemblies; however, almost all nations vary in the ways elections are carried out. From registration to […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 and blog: What should governments do to secure their national cyber space?

Much as in the fight against Covid-19, prevention proves to be a key determinant of our safety on the internet. However, deliberate threats to both citizens and organisations still hide just around the corner. Despite our individual care and attention towards cyber behaviours, malicious actors might intentionally try to hijack personal data or information systems. […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: The world’s best driver of digital transformation

In today’s episode, Hannes Astok and Linnar Viik shed light on the world’s best driver of digital transformation – the COVID-19 pandemic. They talk about the main obstacles in the way of a defining moment for digital transformation in many countries. We know that paper-based public services are practically useless when whole countries are shut […]

by radu
160 Countries in the NCSI: Barriers, Lessons Learnt, and Interesting Facts

| The project is responsive to the following SDG of the United Nations: 17 |   How did we manage to reach 160 countries in the NCSI? This is a blog post about the barriers, lessons learnt and interesting facts of the management of the NCSI.   The NCSI is one of those projects that […]

by Raul Rikk
Kuidas ID-kaardi teoreetilise haavatavusega toime tulla?

Septembri alguses andis Tšehhi teadlaste grupp Eestile teada, et Saksa ettevõtte Infineon Technologies AG poolt 2014. aastal toodetud ning Gemalto poolt tarnitud kiibid sisaldavad turvaviga, mis võib teoreetiliselt mõjutada Eesti ID-kaardi kasutamist. Eestis on sellise kiibiga ID-kaarte 750 000 ning teoreetiliselt võib tekkida võimalus nende avalikest võtmetest tuletada privaatvõtmeid.  Uudist kuuldes tekkis küsimus, kas ID-kaardi […]

by Raul Rikk
Estonian cyberspace’s security ranks 5th in the world, 1st in Europe

Yesterday, 15.06 during the World Summit on the Information Society Forum 2017, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) introduced a new iteration of the Global Cybersecurity Index. According to this index Estonia ranks 5th in the world and 1st in Europe.

by Raul Rikk
Riigid ei tea, kuidas Internetti kontrollida

Ühendkuningriigi peaminister Theresa May ütles 4. juunil, pärast Londoni silla terrorirünnakut, et Internet on muutunud ekstremistide jaoks turvaliseks keskkonnaks ning küberruumis toimuvat on vaja paremini reguleerida. Kaks nädalat enne Londoni silla rünnakut ja vahetult pärast Manchesteri terrorirünnakut, kohtusid G7 riigid Itaalias, kus nõudsid kommunikatsiooni- ja sotsiaalmeedia ettevõtetelt tõhusamat tegelemist ekstremismi ennetamisega. 10. juunil tuli Saksa […]

by Raul Rikk
Eesti võiks olla küberturvalisuse indeksi looja

Infoühiskondade arengu hindamiseks on vaja luua turvalisuse taseme mõõdik – küberturvalisuse indeks. Eestil on potensiaali olla sellise initsiatiivi eestvedaja.

  • Albania (1)
  • Anticorruption (1)
  • Armenia (1)
  • Artificial Intelligence (8)
  • Avatud valitsemine/open governance (14)
  • Benin (2)
  • Biometricy (1)
  • Civil society organisation (3)
  • Corruption (1)
  • Cyber law (1)
  • Cyber resilience (12)
  • Cybersecurity (6)
  • Data exchange (15)
  • Data quality (2)
  • DESI (2)
  • Design (4)
  • Digital government roadmaps (3)
  • Digital healthcare (6)
  • Digital leadership (2)
  • Digital maturity assessment (2)
  • Digital responsibility (13)
  • Digital rights (4)
  • Digital signature (2)
  • Digital skills (16)
  • Digital technology (29)
  • Digital transformation (69)
  • Digital vaccine certificate (1)
  • Digital vulnerability (5)
  • Djibouti (1)
  • E-census (1)
  • E-courses (2)
  • e-Governance (43)
  • e-Governance Conference (24)
  • e-government (29)
  • e-hääletus (5)
  • e-riik (10)
  • e-Services (39)
  • eIDAS (2)
  • Elections (8)
  • Electronic ID (7)
  • Engagement (1)
  • Estonia (29)
  • Estonia/Eesti (21)
  • Finland (1)
  • Green transition (1)
  • I-voting (9)
  • ICT in Education/e-kool (6)
  • ICT infrastructure (2)
  • ID-kaart (1)
  • Infoühiskond/ Information society (5)
  • Innovation (10)
  • Internet freedom (2)
  • Interoperability (13)
  • Ireland (1)
  • Küberturvalisus/Cybersecurity (30)
  • Kyrgyzstan (2)
  • Latin America (1)
  • Moldova (3)
  • Mongolia (1)
  • Montenegro (1)
  • NCSI (2)
  • NIS Directive (1)
  • North Macedonia (1)
  • Online participation (6)
  • Participation (7)
  • Participatory budgeting/Kaasav eelarve (5)
  • Podcast (128)
  • Privacy (5)
  • Public-private-partnership (1)
  • Sweden (1)
  • Tech buzzwords (1)
  • The Gambia (1)
  • The United States of America (2)
  • Tonga (1)
  • Transparency International (1)
  • Tunduk (1)
  • Ukraine (14)
  • Voting (8)
  • Western Balkan (6)
  • Authors