by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Core themes in 2023 and trends for 2024

  And here we are, at the end-of-year appointment with Hannes Astok, Executive Director and Chairman of e-Governance Academy (eGA) to take a look back at what 2023 meant for governments worldwide. But also, we reflect on what the year meant for eGA. Through our projects and activities, we have once again had the pleasure […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Data policy in the era of artificial intelligence

The ongoing conversation and development around artificial intelligence are bringing data policy back into the spotlight, as we will explore in a dedicated session at the e-Governance Conference 2023. Perhaps it’s also a signal, an indicator of how much work and care is needed before AI starts convincingly scaling to the public sector. Because while […]

by Kristina Mänd
Nothing for me without me – masterclasses in Georgia on designing proposals to address digital vulnerability

By Kristina Mänd   Have you considered digital vulnerability when planning a service or a project? Do you know how to design a good solution? Are you thinking creatively, flexibly and experimentally? In Tbilisi, 14 teams of civil society organisations and public authorities are designing action proposals to address the challenges digitally vulnerable citizens are encountering […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Addressing digital vulnerabilities to empower citizens

Let’s face it – we are more used to talk about the results achieved through digital transformation, its success stories and business cases, rather than drawbacks or failures. Despite, in any case, a growing trend of re-humanizing digitalization processes, with private change-makers and CIOs increasingly talking about drawbacks and lessons learnt too. But some needs […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Five reflections on effective digital government from Ireland

  This year’s e-Governance Conference has been a key moment of observation and learning to walk the path of digital transformation. Plenty of interesting sessions and contents for all tastes – from AI to cyber-resilience, to digital sovereignty and proactive services. For one session, though, we went for the helicopter view (quite literally). How does […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Why is Digital Sovereignty Important for Governments?

Less than a month to go to the 2022 e-Governance Conference. To mark this countdown milestone, we called back a known voice of the Digital Government Podcast and the Conference, introducing the ever-more-pressing theme of digital sovereignty. Taking the floor is Paul Timmers, a scholar at various European universities and former director at the European […]

by ega
Podcast 🎧: The ethical challenges of fully automated public services

  Based on what trends we have witnessed in advanced digital societies –  the next level of public services will be fully automated services that are based on AI and Machine Learning. In this episode, a distinguished legal expert on digital governance topics Katrin Nyman-Metcalf covers another side of the coin – essential and ethical dilemmas behind […]

by ega
Podcast 🎧: How can civil society organisations enhance digital responsibility of the government?

The pandemic caused countries around the world to employ digital solutions, which they had been ignoring or postponing, almost overnight. Such rapid development also raises several questions related to digital responsibility and accountability. Digital responsibility has mainly been addressed by the business sector. However, the expectations to the governments to set the agenda for digital […]

by ega
Podcast 🎧: How does the digital responsibility of companies impact our future?

The rapid digitalisation of societies introduces new expectations towards tech companies. People expect companies to take care of their ecological footprint, support free expression, respect privacy and develop a more secure cyberspace. Explore how enterprises and governments can address these demands for digital responsibility with tech innovator Üllar Jaaksoo, from Greenergy, technology and public policy leader Eli […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 and blog: The pains of using tech buzzwords

We are wondering whether we are already taking sides, by using buzzword to describe the way that latest tech developments are often portrayed in media articles, tweets, or even vision papers and strategies. In this episode of the Digital Government podcast, Heiko Vainsalu, a Senior Expert on Technology at e-Governance Academy will debunk the most […]

by Adhele Tuulas
Podcast 🎧 : Towards greater digital responsibility with governments and CSOs

  This year’s e-Governance Conference – A Digital Decade in One Year – looks at the implications of the accelerated digital transformation resulting from the pandemic. The programme creates space to explore the new normal in which we find ourselves today, and the next normal that we are entering. In the build-up to the Conference, […]

by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
Podcast 🎧: Digital health security and vaccination certificates

  The COVID19 pandemic has created a new reality for the healthcare sector, globally testing its limits. The European Commission, along with the World Health Organisation, is looking for a scalable digital infrastructure for secure vaccination certification to help governments to reopen societies and economies. In this episode, Merle Maigre, the organizer of the Digital […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 and blog: Addressing the demands for digital responsibility

  Digital technologies have become ever more embedded in our everyday lives, introducing topical questions over their fair and ethical use. Openness and transparency in service delivery enable such requests. But, also, these trigger a change in values and attitudes that intensify pressure on governments and companies to be more accountable for the impact of […]

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