by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Digital identity – usage across borders

Digital citizens in a digital Europe? We are not quite there yet, but significant steps forward have been made in recent years with eIDAS. And progress doesn’t stop at the borders of political Europe, as a bilateral agreement between the Union and Ukraine is set to enhance the mutual recognition of trust services. We hear […]

by Kristina Mänd
Nothing for me without me – masterclasses in Georgia on designing proposals to address digital vulnerability

By Kristina Mänd   Have you considered digital vulnerability when planning a service or a project? Do you know how to design a good solution? Are you thinking creatively, flexibly and experimentally? In Tbilisi, 14 teams of civil society organisations and public authorities are designing action proposals to address the challenges digitally vulnerable citizens are encountering […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Building a future-ready society in Sarawak, Malaysia

  In Borneo Island, Malaysia, the largest of the 13 states making up the country has an ambitious plan – to turn the region into a digital economy powerhouse of the area. Through the works of the Sarawak Digital Economy Corporation (SDEC) as its implementing agency, government in the region is driving initiative to give the state a […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Mexico’s take on digital transformation

  Our interviews with Chief Information Officers continue, and after Siim Sikkut (former CIO of Estonia) and Barry Lowry (CIO of Ireland), we are excited to feature Yolanda Martinez on this podcast episode. Martinez held the national CIO and Digital Strategy Coordination posts in Mexico for a total of six years – five for the […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Addressing digital vulnerabilities to empower citizens

Let’s face it – we are more used to talk about the results achieved through digital transformation, its success stories and business cases, rather than drawbacks or failures. Despite, in any case, a growing trend of re-humanizing digitalization processes, with private change-makers and CIOs increasingly talking about drawbacks and lessons learnt too. But some needs […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Tech beyond code with a digital sociologist

  Implementing new technology, both in the public and private sectors, is often regarded as a matter of developing products and services. In addition to code itself, design thinking has recently come to play an important role in identifying users’ needs and process challenges. But some argue that tech is not just a product – […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Setting the digital agenda in Western Balkan countries

  In the Western Balkans, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and governments are on a quest to increase civic engagement in the digital agenda. Take all the initials of this task, ICEDA, and you have the ongoing project that e-Governance Academy is currently involved in within the region. Recently, stakeholders took the chance to visit Tallinn […]

by ega
Podcast 🎧 & blog : Making interoperability a reality in Djibouti

  In the Horn of Africa there is yet another blue pin on the world map of interoperability supported by X-Road technology. The Government of Djibouti represented by ANSIE has recently completed the implementation of the data exchange platform, marking another step toward more efficient and effective public service delivery. On e-Governance Academy’s side, Programme Director […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Five reflections on effective digital government from Ireland

  This year’s e-Governance Conference has been a key moment of observation and learning to walk the path of digital transformation. Plenty of interesting sessions and contents for all tastes – from AI to cyber-resilience, to digital sovereignty and proactive services. For one session, though, we went for the helicopter view (quite literally). How does […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: What’s next for digital public services in Estonia?

The wait could not have been faster. Just one week to go to e-Governance Conference 2022, to discuss resilient and seamless governance with high-level government representatives, experts, and academics. So let us do the honours with an introduction, and a look forward, from Estonia. Luukas Ilves, freshly appointed Chief Information Officer of the Government of […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Lessons from effective digital leaders

  Siim Sikkut barely needs any introduction. 17 years in the civil service, of which five as Chief Information Officer of the Government of Estonia. Throughout this time, many of our readers and listeners have had the chance to meet him, or hear from his team about what a constant process of digital transformation looks like. […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Why is Digital Sovereignty Important for Governments?

Less than a month to go to the 2022 e-Governance Conference. To mark this countdown milestone, we called back a known voice of the Digital Government Podcast and the Conference, introducing the ever-more-pressing theme of digital sovereignty. Taking the floor is Paul Timmers, a scholar at various European universities and former director at the European […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧& blog: Resilient and Seamless Governance

  The e-Governance Conference 2022, this year reaching its 8th edition, welcomes digital leaders and experts over the three years in Tallinn but also online at egovconference.ee. This year the main focus is on the resilience of digital governance in times of crisis and the next step in the path of digitalization – seamlessness. Hannes […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog from Ukraine: Digital services keep working despite the war

  Perhaps one of the strongest displays of resistance is, also, to ensure that what should be working in normal times does so as well during exceptional circumstances. This is of course a euphemism, referring to what Ukraine is undergoing with Russian forces on its territory. In this episode of the Digital Government Podcast, we […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Ukraine is under attack, and our team stayed there

  This week, the world looks quite different from what it used to. Yet again we’re here to say this, and see the dramatic consequences of what unfolds, for the second time in the span of two years. Yet again, as spring approaches, we’re here to talk about a tragedy taking shape just before our […]

by ega
Podcast 🎧 & blog: How ready is your country for the next step in digital transformation?

  Every digital transformation journey needs a good place to start from. What’s the first step? Understanding where you stand, what are your valuable assets, how to move forward from there, and on what to focus first. The Digital Readiness Review does just that. For long, e-Governance Academy has been offering this analysis to both […]

by Federico Plantera
Perhaps, the AI revolution is not as loud as we thought

It seems almost physiological that the latest tech buzzwords, with time, undergo some sort of resizing. Technology advances, consulting firms and market actors take the leap envisioning how the latest development could change everything, and then we notice how such upheavals are slower to unfold than expected – or they even underachieve, compared to the […]

by ega
Podcast 🎧: Which trends should governments follow in their digital transformation plans

  Today we invite you to follow the government CIO’s special edition! Two former leaders of digital transformation, Siim Sikkut from Estonia and Randall Brugeaud from Australia, cast light on the trends that governments should follow in their digital transformation plans to benefit from pandemic lessons learned. In the episode, our guests share their views […]

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