by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Empowering CSOs in the Western Balkans for digital transformation

Civil society organizations (CSOs) are assuming growingly critical roles in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. These organizations act as intermediaries between citizens and governments, advocating for inclusive digital policies and services that cater to the needs of all. In the Western Balkans, the ICEDA (Increasing Civic Engagement in the Digital Agenda) project aimed to foster and […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧& blog: Will people make policy digitally?

  The seamlessness of the governance is one of the focuses of the e-Governance Conference this year. We welcome you to investigate the seamless options of citizen engagement in policy design and participatory practices. Giovanni Allegretti, senior researcher and coordinator of the PhD “Democracy in the 21st century” at the University of Coimbra (Portugal), has […]

by ega
Podcast 🎧: How can civil society organisations enhance digital responsibility of the government?

The pandemic caused countries around the world to employ digital solutions, which they had been ignoring or postponing, almost overnight. Such rapid development also raises several questions related to digital responsibility and accountability. Digital responsibility has mainly been addressed by the business sector. However, the expectations to the governments to set the agenda for digital […]

by ega
Podcast 🎧: Does technology increase or decrease democracy?

  In this episode of the Digital Government Podcast, you are welcome to meet our distinguished e-democracy expert Liia Hänni, who recently celebrated her 75th birthday! Known as the “mother” of the Estonian Constitution, she has had a massive impact in the design of Estonia’s democratic face and digital society. Within the following 21 minutes, […]

by Adhele Tuulas
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Digital tools in the global battle against corruption

“Corruption as a disease, for which transparency is the cure” is a politically popular analogy, that surely resonates when trying to capture such widespread, global challenge all countries continue to face today. But researchers contend that the actual manifestations of corruption are far too complex to fit into the simple frames built by this parallel. […]

by ega
Podcast 🎧: Examining benefits of Participatory Budgeting

In a democratic society, the quality of the relationship between governments and citizens is a key talking point – and if not, most probably it should. Across the layers of governance, municipalities certainly represent the closest governmental actor to citizens. Such proximity not only works as the testing ground for state-to-people interactions but also as […]

by Federico Plantera
Mobility and youth participation within the EU: are they incompatible?

Young people are the most reluctant social group to engage in voting. Research has clearly shown that across the past two decades, starting from seminal works on social capital and democratic participation, citing diverse explanations – from a decline in the perceived value of voting, to general disaffection towards institutions and party systems. In the […]

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