by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 and blog: The pains of using tech buzzwords

We are wondering whether we are already taking sides, by using buzzword to describe the way that latest tech developments are often portrayed in media articles, tweets, or even vision papers and strategies. In this episode of the Digital Government podcast, Heiko Vainsalu, a Senior Expert on Technology at e-Governance Academy will debunk the most […]

by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
Podcast 🎧: Will e-census be our next normality?

  Estonia is preparing for its first e-census or register-based census, where all Population and Housing Census data will be compiled from the data of the national registers. About 24 national registers will be included, and they involve data on many fields of life. Only the information that is not available in registers will be […]

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by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
Podcast 🎧: Pros and cons of using biometric data

  While we approach the international identity day on September 16, we are addressing the topic that concerns our identity and its use, online or offline. In today’s episode of Digital Government Podcast, we explore with Kaija Kirch, Head of Digital Identity Technologies at Cybernetica AS, the pros and cons of using biometric data in identification and providing access […]

by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
Podcast 🎧: State’s sovereignty in the digital age

The globalisation of economies, technologies and communication has challenged country sovereignty relative to actions and protection. In the global scene, we can witness every day how fake news attack democracy, and how hackers do the same to supply chains, electricity networks or hospitals. The problem of one country concerns simultaneously other countries too, as we […]

by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
Podcast 🎧: Digital Skills 3.0

At the beginning of the school year, it is timely to talk about digital skills development since digital skills are one of the most critical enablers of digital transformation. In today’s episode, Kristo Vaher from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication of Estonia and Cigdem Ertem (INTEL) shed light on what kind of digital skills governments need to […]

by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
Podcast 🎧: Cyber exercises – the best way to train your cyber muscles

  Cyber attacks are becoming a natural part of our digital life. Hence it is wise to know how to defend your data and infrastructure to avoid losses. In today’s episode of the Digital Government Podcast, we invite you to explore how governments and organisations can be better prepared for cyber attacks. Two distinguished cyber […]

by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
Podcast 🎧 : How do Finland and Estonia benefit from the cross-border secure data exchange?

In today’s episode Ville Sirviö, the CEO of the Nordic Institute for Interoperability Solutions (NIIS), casts light on how to get digital data securely running between two countries, based on the X-road trust federation, and how citizens of Finland and Estonia have benefited from it. As we know, Finland and Estonia are exchanging data of […]

by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
Podcast 🎧: The role of civil society organisations in a digital society

  In this episode of Digital Government Podcast, Urmo Kübar, the former advisor to the Estonian President and the Executive Director of Praxis, talks about the role of civil society organizations in a digital society and explains how can they benefit from digital tools for building a more seamless society.  Being involved in the Estonian […]

by Adhele Tuulas
Podcast 🎧 : Towards greater digital responsibility with governments and CSOs

  This year’s e-Governance Conference – A Digital Decade in One Year – looks at the implications of the accelerated digital transformation resulting from the pandemic. The programme creates space to explore the new normal in which we find ourselves today, and the next normal that we are entering. In the build-up to the Conference, […]

by Adhele Tuulas
Podcast 🎧 : Digital transformation trends for governments entering the next normal

  This year’s e-Governance Conference – A Digital Decade in One Year – looks at the implications of the accelerated digital transformation resulting from the pandemic. The programme creates space to explore the new normal in which we find ourselves today, and the next normal that we are entering. In the build-up to the Conference, […]

by Adhele Tuulas
Podcast 🎧 : What is an e-government without interoperability?

  This year’s e-Governance Conference – A Digital Decade in One Year – looks at the implications of the accelerated digital transformation resulting from the pandemic. The programme creates space to explore the new normal in which we find ourselves today, and the next normal that we are entering. In the build-up to the Conference, […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧: Futurist Trond Arne Undheim on the e-government of tomorrow

This year’s e-Governance Conference – A Digital Decade in One Year – looks at the implications of the accelerated digital transformation resulting from the pandemic. The programme creates space to explore the new normal in which we find ourselves today and the next normal that we are entering. In the build-up to the Conference, our […]

by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
Podcast 🎧: Four years that laid the groundwork for the Ukrainian digital transformation

  For more than four years, the e-Governance Academy’s team has assisted digital transformation in Ukraine by creating the conditions for digital services’ provision. In this episode, our Ukrainian Team Leader, Mari Pedak and Executive Director Hannes Astok cast light on the technical developments within the EGOV4Ukraine project, the organisational developments in the Ukrainian government, and […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 and blog: How soon back to normal? Five things to know about the digital vaccine certificate

    Other than national healthcare systems, patients, and patience, the COVID-19 pandemic has also tested the degree of collaboration between countries in overcoming the crisis. With the vaccines developed and immunisation campaigns being rolled out, governments and international organisations are now seeking a way to harmonise how to exit the crisis with vaccine certificates. […]

by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
Podcast 🎧 : How to make IT systems and e-services more secure?

Cyber threats and attacks are the part of the daily management of IT systems and e-services. Usually, we, as regular users of e-services, do not know about attacks as long as the e-service is available and working. In this episode Epp Maaten, Programme Director of Cyber Security, talks about how to secure e-services, IT systems […]

by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
Podcast 🎧: Digital health security and vaccination certificates

  The COVID19 pandemic has created a new reality for the healthcare sector, globally testing its limits. The European Commission, along with the World Health Organisation, is looking for a scalable digital infrastructure for secure vaccination certification to help governments to reopen societies and economies. In this episode, Merle Maigre, the organizer of the Digital […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 and blog: Addressing the demands for digital responsibility

  Digital technologies have become ever more embedded in our everyday lives, introducing topical questions over their fair and ethical use. Openness and transparency in service delivery enable such requests. But, also, these trigger a change in values and attitudes that intensify pressure on governments and companies to be more accountable for the impact of […]

by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
Podcast 🎧 : Opportunities and challenges of using AI for public service provision

In this episode of the Digital Government Podcast, our guest Marten Kaevats, the National Digital Advisor of the Estonian Government, will shed light on why and how to deploy artificial intelligence (AI) for public service provision. Is AI a viral buzzword or a beneficial tool to make public service provision smarter and more efficient? He […]

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