by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 and blog: Investing in people and the economy for a digital society

In parallel with a crisis of public health, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused great damage also to the national economy of most countries. Regardless of how hard these have been hit in terms of casualties and infection rates, lockdown measures have been enforced to different degrees almost everywhere in Europe and around the world. As a […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 and blog: Assessing digital maturity for effective e-government roadmaps

Where do we come from? Where do we stand? And where to go from here? Though the feeling might be that of a high-school psychology blog, there is no existentialism in these questions – at least in the current case. In order to formulate with efficacy digital transformation roadmaps for governments, policy makers must first […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 and blog: Legal obstacles to e-government (that don’t exist)

To many, the road to e-governance may seem rocky. Not only during some client meetings, but also in seminars and just conversations in general, an age-old question is often brought up: “Digitalization, okay, great. But there are too many legal obstacles to implement it in our country.” Today, we get this one off the board […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 and blog: Ukraine’s digital transformation: successes & setbacks

In the last few years, the Government of Ukraine has endeavoured incessantly to detach itself from paper-based procedures, to enable and provide e-services, and to reduce corruption with the help of IT-solutions and of the secure data exchange platform ‘Trembita’. How has Ukraine managed so far? What to highlight in terms of successes and setbacks […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: The world’s best driver of digital transformation

In today’s episode, Hannes Astok and Linnar Viik shed light on the world’s best driver of digital transformation – the COVID-19 pandemic. They talk about the main obstacles in the way of a defining moment for digital transformation in many countries. We know that paper-based public services are practically useless when whole countries are shut […]

by Federico Plantera
Weddings, Super Mario, and this year’s Conference. Here is what made it so special

Nothing is easy when there is a global pandemic in action. We have come to learn this the hard way, all of us, experiencing in first person all the problems and setbacks caused by the Covid-19 crisis. And still, in times where face-to-face contact is forcefully restricted, we can rely on resources for learning, communicating, […]

by Federico Plantera
Taking stock of digital healthcare development, beyond the crisis

As social distancing is enforced in most parts of the world, the Covid-19 outbreak has already issued a concerning verdict. We might be living in the information age, but digitalization has yet to reach – whether partly or in full – key components of the way life and service provision are organized. Naturally, healthcare jumps […]

by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
Coronavirus emphasises the necessity of e-services

Digital transformation experts of the Estonian-based consultancy organisation e-Governance Academy have encouraged countries to facilitate e-governance and public e-services for more than 17 years. To date, the main arguments to develop public e-services were the hassle-free, transparent and more efficient governance to save time and money. The current Corona pandemic added one more argument: e-governance […]

by Federico Plantera
These trends will shape e-government in 2020

The turn of the decade brings new trends shaping the way governments deal with innovation. And who better than our own Linnar Viik could shed a light on the underlying dynamics setting the agenda for public digital development in the next ten years? In our latest post, we reviewed four ages of e-governance. The time […]

by Federico Plantera
The four ages of e-governance

  Public sectors are not immobile subjects whose ways and processes are set in stone. Indexes and rankings help us portray a state-of-the-art situation but, sometimes, we need to zoom out. Is it possible to identify general macro-trends in the past thirty years of governmental digital transformation? And what do they tell us about foreseeable […]

by Federico Plantera
In Ukraine, e-governance and democracy are two sides of the same coin

| The project is responsive to the following SDGs of the United Nations: 5 – 8 – 9 – 10 – 11 – 16 – 17 |   There seems to be shared consensus over the necessity for governments to keep up the pace with digital transformation. It is one of the positive, external pressures triggered by living in the age of the information society. Citizens’ expectations for efficient […]

by Federico Plantera
A sustainable roadmap for digital transformation in the Pacific Islands

  | The project is responsive to the following SDGs of the United Nations: 8– 9– 16– 17 |   Technological development offers a unique opportunity to public actors in the developing world. It provides useful tools for a sustainable, all-encompassing strategy to improve population management and the local business environment. It’s not unusual, then, that e-governance-inspired […]

by Linnar Viik
Tips to lead digital transformation in Africa

The report, published in January 2019 and made by e-Governance Academy’s expert team provides an analysis of the potential for e-governance in Africa, presents an evaluation and a ranking of countries based on the most recent data about the present level of the e-governance critical components. Moreover, the report suggests the next steps to move […]

by ega
Линнар Вийк: Инновации – это практика небольших, но ежедневных изменений

Линнар Вийк пишет о том, в чем заключается инновация общества и какова роль государства в инновации. История технологий показала, что будущее всегда сильно отличается от того, как его представляют. Каждый раз, когда мы думаем, что что-то определенно произойдет через пять лет, мы ошибаемся. Потому что всегда появляется что-то еще, из-за чего технологии развиваются иначе. Мы […]

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