
Author: Federico Plantera

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e-Governance (43)
e-Governance Conference (26)
e-government (29)
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Podcast (132)
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Ukraine (14)
Voting (8)
Western Balkan (6)
  The seamlessness of the governance is one of the focuses of the e-Governance Conference this year. We welcome you to investigate the seamless options of citizen engagement in policy design and participatory practices. Giovanni Allegretti, senior researcher and coordinator of the PhD “Democracy in the 21st century” at the University of Coimbra (Portugal), has […] Read more
Published by Federico Plantera
  The e-Governance Conference 2022, this year reaching its 8th edition, welcomes digital leaders and experts over the three years in Tallinn but also online at egovconference.ee. This year the main focus is on the resilience of digital governance in times of crisis and the next step in the path of digitalization – seamlessness. Hannes […] Read more
Published by Federico Plantera
  Perhaps one of the strongest displays of resistance is, also, to ensure that what should be working in normal times does so as well during exceptional circumstances. This is of course a euphemism, referring to what Ukraine is undergoing with Russian forces on its territory. In this episode of the Digital Government Podcast, we […] Read more
Published by Federico Plantera
  Something might have caught many observers by surprise in Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine. After a solid history of cyberthreats that could be linked back to the Federation’s territory, cyberwarfare seems to not be playing a major role in the attackers’ plans this time. As it did instead in 2007, during the first cyberwar […] Read more
Published by Federico Plantera
  This week, the world looks quite different from what it used to. Yet again we’re here to say this, and see the dramatic consequences of what unfolds, for the second time in the span of two years. Yet again, as spring approaches, we’re here to talk about a tragedy taking shape just before our […] Read more
Published by Federico Plantera
It seems almost physiological that the latest tech buzzwords, with time, undergo some sort of resizing. Technology advances, consulting firms and market actors take the leap envisioning how the latest development could change everything, and then we notice how such upheavals are slower to unfold than expected – or they even underachieve, compared to the […] Read more
Published by Federico Plantera
    In the title ‘Freedom of expression in the digital age. A lost battle for truth?’, we put the question mark to not sound too gloomy, or pessimistic. The battle for truth is inextricably tied to that for freedom of expression. But of course, with freedoms and their protection, always come responsibilities too. The […] Read more
Published by Federico Plantera
  Of the many things that have been put to test by the COVID-19 pandemic, politicians and decision makers’ ability to face an unprecedented crisis situation is arguably among the most salient. Effective leadership took shape not only through the actual preventive and limiting measures pursued, but also the ways these have been communicated. The […] Read more
Published by Federico Plantera
    More and more Estonian residents have decided to participate in the recent local elections in October 2021 simply using internet and their own digital ID. To be precise, more than ever. From the comfort of home, the office, or even a holiday destination. Priit Vinkel, Senior Expert of Smart Governance at e-Governance Academy, […] Read more
Published by Federico Plantera
We are wondering whether we are already taking sides, by using buzzword to describe the way that latest tech developments are often portrayed in media articles, tweets, or even vision papers and strategies. In this episode of the Digital Government podcast, Heiko Vainsalu, a Senior Expert on Technology at e-Governance Academy will debunk the most […] Read more
Published by Federico Plantera
This year’s e-Governance Conference – A Digital Decade in One Year – looks at the implications of the accelerated digital transformation resulting from the pandemic. The programme creates space to explore the new normal in which we find ourselves today and the next normal that we are entering. In the build-up to the Conference, our […] Read more
Published by Federico Plantera
    Other than national healthcare systems, patients, and patience, the COVID-19 pandemic has also tested the degree of collaboration between countries in overcoming the crisis. With the vaccines developed and immunisation campaigns being rolled out, governments and international organisations are now seeking a way to harmonise how to exit the crisis with vaccine certificates. […] Read more
Published by Federico Plantera
  Digital technologies have become ever more embedded in our everyday lives, introducing topical questions over their fair and ethical use. Openness and transparency in service delivery enable such requests. But, also, these trigger a change in values and attitudes that intensify pressure on governments and companies to be more accountable for the impact of […] Read more
Published by Federico Plantera
    By now, we have become familiar with how the relationship between big tech firms and governments has largely been portrayed in the media. So often it looks like a clash between opposing factions – the first standing on its ground to keep the market as free as possible, with the latter proposing laws […] Read more
Published by Federico Plantera
This blog post refers to the podcast “Digital trends to watch out for in 2021” with Linnar Viik and Federico Plantera. Listen to the first episode of Digital Government podcast in 2021! Taking stock of more than twenty years of digital transformation, in the public sector and beyond, industry experts were making predictions on up-and-coming […] Read more
Published by Federico Plantera
| The project is responsive to the following SDGs of the United Nations: 5 – 8 – 9 – 16 | What do a small north-eastern European country and the massive continent of Africa have in common? Originally, very little. At first glance, even less. And still, these two dimensions introduced through only a few […] Read more
Published by Federico Plantera
In parallel with a crisis of public health, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused great damage also to the national economy of most countries. Regardless of how hard these have been hit in terms of casualties and infection rates, lockdown measures have been enforced to different degrees almost everywhere in Europe and around the world. As a […] Read more
Published by Federico Plantera
  | The project is responsive to the following SDGs of the United Nations: 17 |   It is probably since the discovery of fire that we learnt a crucial lesson – technology brings benefits, but also risks. Far be it from us to carry out an exegesis of all human explorations and inventions, it […] Read more
Published by Federico Plantera