Author: ega
Today we invite you to listen to the episode on the next normal of digital transformation featured by futurist Thrond Arne Undheim and the former Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves. Follow their discussion on what have the governments learned from 2020 and what they have refused to learn. Moreover, the guest will talk about the trends that […]
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In this episode of the Digital Government Podcast, you are welcome to meet our distinguished e-democracy expert Liia Hänni, who recently celebrated her 75th birthday! Known as the “mother” of the Estonian Constitution, she has had a massive impact in the design of Estonia’s democratic face and digital society. Within the following 21 minutes, […]
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What lessons learned should governments and public officials take away from this year? In this year’s final episode of the Digital Government Podcast, former President of Estonia Toomas Hendrik Ilves shares his hopes, fears and criticisms on how governments have coped with the pandemic challenges. As expected from the former President of Estonia, his recipe […]
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In a democratic society, the quality of the relationship between governments and citizens is a key talking point – and if not, most probably it should. Across the layers of governance, municipalities certainly represent the closest governmental actor to citizens. Such proximity not only works as the testing ground for state-to-people interactions but also as […]
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In the Digital Government Podcast Episode, the previous contributors to the report “Freedom on The Net”, Linnar Viik and Katrin Nyman-Metcalf, shed light on this year’s Internet Freedom Index global report. They clarify two different views on freedom of expression, which is one of the cornerstones of Internet freedom, and answer the question of why […]
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Iga neljanda aasta märtsikuu esimesel pühapäeval, Riigikogu valimise päeva õhtul, on Eesti rahvas üks suur kõrv. Kell kaheksa suletakse valimisjaoskonnad ning juba lähema tunni jooksul on oodata e-hääletamise tulemusi. See on põnev hetk, kus hakkab selguma poliitiliste jõudude vahekord eelseisvaks neljaks aastaks. Sel aastal kujunes olukord eriti dramaatiliseks – poliitiline konkurents oli tihe ja 5% […]
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Keywords: e-hääletus, Estonia/Eesti
Линнар Вийк пишет о том, в чем заключается инновация общества и какова роль государства в инновации. История технологий показала, что будущее всегда сильно отличается от того, как его представляют. Каждый раз, когда мы думаем, что что-то определенно произойдет через пять лет, мы ошибаемся. Потому что всегда появляется что-то еще, из-за чего технологии развиваются иначе. Мы […]
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Keywords: Digital transformation
В начале сентября группа чешских ученых сообщила в Департамент государственной инфосистемы Эстонии о том, что произведенные в 2014 году немецкой компанией Infineon Technologies AG и поставленные Gemalto микрочипы содержат ошибку в протоколе безопасности, которая теоретически может повлиять на использование эстонских ID-карт. В Эстонии было выдано 750 000 ID-карт с таким микрочипом. После опубликования этой новости […]
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Hannes Astok töötas 4 kuud ÜRO Arenguprogrammi (UNDP) peakorteris, et aidata kavandada e-riigi alaseid projekte arenguriikides. UNDP on ÜRO suurim allorganisatsioon, kes tegutseb ligi 170 riigis. Oma intervjuus räägib ta helikopteri vaatest maailmale ja Eesti võimalusest maailma muuta. Milline on helikopteri vaade maailmale ÜRO peakorterist? Millised on suuremad probleemid, mis vajavad lahendamist IKT abil? ÜRO […]
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Keywords: e-riik, Estonia/Eesti
e-Governance Academy has gathered all knowledge on e-governance into the publication “e-Governance in Practice”, that gives overview on creating and managing digital society
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E-riigi Akadeemia e-riigi arendamise ettepanekud Riigikogu e-Eesti toetusrühmale.
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Töötukassa naasmine „spravkade“ehk tõendite ajastusse on tõsine väljakutse e-riigi edendajatele.
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Keywords: e-riik, Estonia/Eesti
Ivar Tallo, E-riigi Akadeemia asutaja pani kirja mõtted, kuidas Eesti e-riiki saaks tuunida.
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Keywords: e-riik, Estonia/Eesti