by Federico Plantera
Perhaps, the AI revolution is not as loud as we thought

It seems almost physiological that the latest tech buzzwords, with time, undergo some sort of resizing. Technology advances, consulting firms and market actors take the leap envisioning how the latest development could change everything, and then we notice how such upheavals are slower to unfold than expected – or they even underachieve, compared to the […]

by ega
Podcast 🎧: AI to empower data-driven decision making in the public sector

AI is one of the technologies that influences the public sector service provision and also our expectations towards it. In today’s episode, we invite you to explore how are governments approaching the use of artificial intelligence in public service provision. Consider Estonia, as a case study – and let Ott Velsberg, Chief Data Officer of the […]

by ega
Podcast 🎧: Which trends should governments follow in their digital transformation plans

  Today we invite you to follow the government CIO’s special edition! Two former leaders of digital transformation, Siim Sikkut from Estonia and Randall Brugeaud from Australia, cast light on the trends that governments should follow in their digital transformation plans to benefit from pandemic lessons learned. In the episode, our guests share their views […]

by ega
Podcast 🎧: The ethical challenges of fully automated public services

  Based on what trends we have witnessed in advanced digital societies –  the next level of public services will be fully automated services that are based on AI and Machine Learning. In this episode, a distinguished legal expert on digital governance topics Katrin Nyman-Metcalf covers another side of the coin – essential and ethical dilemmas behind […]

by ega
Podcast 🎧: The next big turn in digital transformation:AI

  The number of mobile users is already exceeding 7 billion worldwide, and 3 billion of them are using smartphones. The rising mobile penetration has pushed governments to develop services that could be used via mobile phone. On the other hand, more and more governments are exploring how to benefit from AI by providing public […]

by ega
Podcast 🎧: How can civil society organisations enhance digital responsibility of the government?

The pandemic caused countries around the world to employ digital solutions, which they had been ignoring or postponing, almost overnight. Such rapid development also raises several questions related to digital responsibility and accountability. Digital responsibility has mainly been addressed by the business sector. However, the expectations to the governments to set the agenda for digital […]

by ega
Podcast 🎧: Is digital only the next normality for governments?

  Today we invite you to listen to the episode on the next normal of digital transformation featured by futurist Thrond Arne Undheim and the former Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves. Follow their discussion on what have the governments learned from 2020 and what they have refused to learn. Moreover, the guest will talk about the trends that […]

by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
Podcast 🎧 : How do Finland and Estonia benefit from the cross-border secure data exchange?

In today’s episode Ville Sirviö, the CEO of the Nordic Institute for Interoperability Solutions (NIIS), casts light on how to get digital data securely running between two countries, based on the X-road trust federation, and how citizens of Finland and Estonia have benefited from it. As we know, Finland and Estonia are exchanging data of […]

by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
Podcast 🎧: The role of civil society organisations in a digital society

  In this episode of Digital Government Podcast, Urmo Kübar, the former advisor to the Estonian President and the Executive Director of Praxis, talks about the role of civil society organizations in a digital society and explains how can they benefit from digital tools for building a more seamless society.  Being involved in the Estonian […]

by Adhele Tuulas
Podcast 🎧 : Digital transformation trends for governments entering the next normal

  This year’s e-Governance Conference – A Digital Decade in One Year – looks at the implications of the accelerated digital transformation resulting from the pandemic. The programme creates space to explore the new normal in which we find ourselves today, and the next normal that we are entering. In the build-up to the Conference, […]

by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
Podcast 🎧: Four years that laid the groundwork for the Ukrainian digital transformation

  For more than four years, the e-Governance Academy’s team has assisted digital transformation in Ukraine by creating the conditions for digital services’ provision. In this episode, our Ukrainian Team Leader, Mari Pedak and Executive Director Hannes Astok cast light on the technical developments within the EGOV4Ukraine project, the organisational developments in the Ukrainian government, and […]

by Adhele Tuulas
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Where to start the public e-service development

  The growing adoption of digital technology places greater demands and expectations on the provision of public services. With the proven benefits of digitalisation ranging from increased efficiency to transparency, this has pushed governments into an ongoing game of catch-up to maximise the value of going digital. The sudden onset of COVID-19 immediately moved the […]

Categories: ,
by Anu Vahtra-Hellat
Podcast 🎧 : Lessons learnt from the digital transformation journeys of various countries

At the beginning of the year, we summed up our lessons learnt from the digital transformation journeys of various countries. Our team has been on these journeys for the past 18 years and obtained useful lessons that could benefit every country that starts or continues its digital transformation. In this episode, Federico Plantera and Hannes […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: A year worth one decade. Digital trends to watch out for in 2021

This blog post refers to the podcast “Digital trends to watch out for in 2021” with Linnar Viik and Federico Plantera. Listen to the first episode of Digital Government podcast in 2021! Taking stock of more than twenty years of digital transformation, in the public sector and beyond, industry experts were making predictions on up-and-coming […]

by ega
Podcast 🎧 : Lessons learned from 2020 for governments

What lessons learned should governments and public officials take away from this year? In this year’s final episode of the Digital Government Podcast, former President of Estonia Toomas Hendrik Ilves shares his hopes, fears and criticisms on how governments have coped with the pandemic challenges. As expected from the former President of Estonia, his recipe […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 & blog: Benin has taken off on its digital journey

| The project is responsive to the following SDGs of the United Nations: 5 – 8 – 9 – 16 | What do a small north-eastern European country and the massive continent of Africa have in common? Originally, very little. At first glance, even less. And still, these two dimensions introduced through only a few […]

by Federico Plantera
Podcast 🎧 and blog: Ukraine’s digital transformation: successes & setbacks

In the last few years, the Government of Ukraine has endeavoured incessantly to detach itself from paper-based procedures, to enable and provide e-services, and to reduce corruption with the help of IT-solutions and of the secure data exchange platform ‘Trembita’. How has Ukraine managed so far? What to highlight in terms of successes and setbacks […]

by Federico Plantera
DESI 2020 – Europe’s digital society advances, but at very different speeds

Since 2014, the yearly appointment with the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) of the European Commission is a perfect opportunity to assess the state of affairs on digitalization in all Member States. The 2020 issue of the Index, despite relying on data previous to the pandemic outbreak, gives us the possibility to evaluate countries’ […]

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